Sunday, January 6, 2019

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

The other day I was in a store and saw a lady with a shopping buggy full of left over Christmas décor on sale. The stuff she had in her buggy looked cheaply made and quite frankly didn’t appeal to me at all. I wondered if she was buying it just because it was on sale. Needless to say, it was a buggy full of junk in my opinion.

As humans I think we often fill our life with things that are cheap and don’t last but a short while. This may include certain people, things we buy, hobbies we spend time doing and here is a big one…time spent on social media. Are you getting the picture? We invest in these things and people because they bring us happiness. But if the truth be known, it’s a short term happiness and leaves you wanting more the next time its used up or breaks.  

Today’s scripture reminds us that God has everything we need in life to sustain us in the good times and bad times. When we shift our eyes off the things of this world and focus on God by reading His word, and praying, we’ll begin to see His daily blessings and wont want to fill our life with those temporary pleasures. Trust me, God blesses you every day. Satan does an excellent job by providing tempting pleasures that take your focus off God’s goodness.

Stop reading for a minute and let that sink in for a moment.

Friend, what has Satan distracted you with that is blinding you from seeing the good things God has already blessed you with? Break out the side blinders and keep your focus straight on God. You will see your buggy over flowing with blessings that will last all eternity.  God bless!  

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