Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Yesterday I started reading “The Purpose Driven Life” with a friend. Together we started a 40-day journey to discover God’s purpose for our lives. As we began to discuss the chapter, God laid a simple thought into my mind. When I keep my focus on Him, I can accomplish more in life than when I focus on me. And I’ve lived out this the majority of my life, focusing on Him and relying on His wisdom, His strength and His encouragement.

Today’s society wants you to focus on self…self-improvement, personal success and accomplishing goals to win in life. But when the energy runs out, when the audience leaves, and when the top has been reached, then what? With God its not about me, but what He can do in and through me. And trust me, He can do more with a single mustard seed of faith than I can do when fully rested and energized.

Maybe you’ve been trying to achieve success, but the failures outnumber the successes. You are feeling defeated and overwhelmed. Take your eyes of YOU and focus on HIM, the author and perfecter of your faith. God has a plan for YOUR life and HE can do great things through you if you simply rely on Him to supply all your needs and strength! Pray and ask God to help you focus more on Him and trust He has the perfect plan for your life! God will bless you when you focus on Him. God bless!

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