Friday, January 11, 2019

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

Oftentimes after a relationship has ended the question becomes…”did they love me?” There is a significant difference between love and infatuation. I just read an excellent article on this very topic and could clearly see the difference between the two. The article can be read at the following link:

This morning I picked up my bible and went to the chapter that describes love, 1 Corinthians 13. As I read over some of love’s traits, something really stuck out…”love never fails.” This article I read aligned it’s message with this same verse, love never fails. True love is someone who is willing to give everything to love you and love you unconditionally. And when the tough times hit, they are right there by your side, helping, encouraging and growing in their love for you. You are their investment and they want to do everything they can to help better your life.

Finding that special someone in this world can be difficult. So many people out there with different stories that have shaped their life. Only God can bring together two people who can find true love. And with God at the center of their relationship, it can and will grow to reflect every characteristic of God.

Trying to find love? Try finding it through Jesus Christ, God’s Son. He gave up His life so you could have an eternal life with God. His love is perfect, complete and will NEVER fail you. If you seek after Him, He will bless you with someone to love and who will love you in return. And when you meet that special someone, you will know its love over time by the characteristics of that person…they will reflect the love of Christ to you! Find love today through Jesus Christ, the author of love. Love never fails! God bless!

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