Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. Luke 18:17

Today’s verse is one of three that talks about Jesus encounter with children who wanted to come up and meet Him. The disciples started to forbid the children, but Jesus told them to allow them to come to Him. This passage always gives me visions of children running to Jesus with excitement and passion. Children love and know how to love unconditionally. I think of my sweet grandson and his love for His papa. Its an awesome feeling to be that loved.

Jesus Christ wants you to love Him with child like faith. Putting aside everything else in life and worshipping and honoring Him. Is this the kind of relationship you have with your Heavenly Father? If you struggle in your devotion to the Lord, pray and ask God to help you find your child like faith and grow it into a passionate relationship with Him. You’ll soon discover that nothing else in life matters, but Jesus Christ and His presence coming out through your life!

Find your child like faith today! God bless!

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