Wednesday, January 2, 2019

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

One thing I truly enjoy in life is food. The down side to cooking is waiting on the food in the oven or microwave. Something as simple as heating up a bowl of cheese for 2 minutes (to dip chips in) can seem like eternity. If you cut the cooking time in half, only part of the cheese will be melted and wont taste as good. Patience is key in the kitchen!

Here lately God has been dealing with me on an issue and I am so impatient at times I want to give up. But, I keep praying and asking God to work. Tonight at church He laid it upon my heart that He has this situation and its HIS time that will bring about the results I have asked for. In the meantime, He made it clear that when we bring our burden to Him and we spend time in prayer, its MORE time with Him so we can experience His strength in our weakest moments, we can see Him working and we know that His timing is always right!

Friend, trust me. If you are a Christian, God loves you and is watching out for you! Whatever your circumstance, burden or request, make it known to Him, then trust that He is handling it His way and it’s the best way as you seek out His will for your life. Wait upon the Lord, renew your strength so you can mount up with wings like eagles and soar and not grow weary. God bless!

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