Wednesday, February 2, 2022

 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:6


The technology they put into new cars these days is amazing. Many of them have multiple features to help the driver avoid accidents and stay the proper lane. My new car does these things (if I engage the safety button), and honestly it can be annoying, but it works. There is only one thing it lacks, a sense of direction. It will keep me driving safely, but it doesn’t know my intended destination. I am ultimately responsible to make sure the car goes where I need it to.


If you think about it, we live in a world overloaded with technology to help you make decisions, study certain topics, communicate with others around the world, heck you can even remotely start your car from anywhere if you have the App. What’s an App? LOL


As a child of God, you MUST be very careful with the convenient technology of today. Satan will use it to overload your mind with many options, leaving you to make blind decisions without seeking the truth in God’s word. Think about it, what do you spend more time reading, Facebook or The Bible? Social media can provide an avenue for Satan to pollute your mind with false doctrine, misguided thinking and steer your emotions right off the path God laid out for you.


Message for today: stay awake at the wheel of your mind. There is plenty of information about navigating life in the bible. The majority of social media doctrine is personalized and not always accurate. And just a side note, the backside operations on most of these social media sites are meant to redirect your thoughts. One documentary that addresses this issue is “Social Dilemma” on Netflix, check it out.  God’s on a roll with the keyboard this morning, take heed in what He is saying through this blog…..”But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

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