Sunday, February 27, 2022

 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

I have to admit, I have had a heavy heart for the people of Ukraine. As Russian soldiers move in across their country, tearing it apart, and destroying the lives of its citizens, my prayers are for their people. As sad as the news is, I’m encouraged to hear of their bravery. Thousands of every day citizens are taking up weapons to defend their country. These brave souls are willing to die for their country, including their leader. Although the odds are against them, they have made it difficult for the enemy to achieve success without a fight.  

You might not know it, but there is a battle going on around the world that is much darker and more violent than what’s happening in Ukraine. The devil and his demons are working to destroy the work of God throughout the world. Christians in many countries are paying the ultimate price for their belief in Jesus Christ. Brutal attacks on Christians in radical Muslim occupied countries are ongoing every day. Communist countries, such as China and North Korea (just to name a few) put Christians through horrible torture and even take their lives. I read about their stories through a special group, The Voice of Martyrs, who support Christians around the world. And the stories of their bravery against the evil forces of darkness give me hope in my faith.

Paul’s message to the Christians in Corinth, still stands true for today’s Christians, “stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” God bless America, the country that provides us freedom of religion and openness to share the gospel with others. The cloud of evil’s darkness will one day hover over America. Are you willing to defend your faith? Pray for God’s protection over this nation, pray for the people of Ukraine, and most of all pray for those persecuted Christians, for they are true soldiers of faith on the battlefield defending the faith we live each day in this country. God bless!  

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