Thursday, February 24, 2022

 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


When you look at a piece of handcrafted furniture, you see the beautiful wood, with its shiny surface, bold color and the craftsman’s marks of edging and patterns. If you look even further, you’ll see how each piece is joined together, held tightly with screws, and/or glue, and interlocked for a firm and secure fit. It takes time and effort to cut each piece and make everything come together to produce a beautiful work of art.


The same is true for the Christian life. As each day passes, you add various circumstances, events, blessings that mold and shape the person you are at that moment. You learn from life’s lessons and hopefully make tomorrow a better day. God is the author of your life. He knows how every minute of every day will go for you and allows the various pieces to come together to result in a productive and obedient child of God.


Our responsibility is to use those pieces to do the work of the Lord. People should see a difference in you. The inner joy of Christ should shine outward. Unfortunately, some of the bad days hinder our faith and we lack the joy and usefulness God has developed in us. That’s when we must turn our troubles over to the Lord and ask Him to help us with the flaws and difficulties of life. God may have to work in your life to make it fit, which might result in some painful work of His hand, but He will accomplish His work through you to make a better you, a stronger you and a more beautiful you.


Trust what God is doing in your life. He brings together all the pieces, good and bad, to result in a beautiful creation! God bless!

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