Thursday, February 17, 2022

 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Colossians 4:5


The question has been asked by many: how will those outside the faith come to know Jesus? The short answer is, they wont unless someone tells them. One way you can share your faith is by how you live your life. Today’s passage has a simple message: live out your faith for others to see.


Trust me, people watch people, especially Christians, in how they behave, especially in difficult times. Keeping your behavior in check can be challenging when you encounter various trails and rough patches throughout the day. But you must not allow the outside circumstances to influence your behavior. Trust me, I speak from experience. I’m always working on my patience…..and I can tell it has a long ways to go. But, I’m slowly working towards transforming my inner self to reflect the character of Christ.


How is that accomplished? Through much prayer, reliance of the Holy Spirit to guide my day and studying the bible. Without its wisdom, I’m like a ship with no navigation at sea, tossed here and there without purpose or mission.


“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” Colossians 4:6


You have the tools to live out your faith. Use them to be a living testimony of what Christ has done and is doing in your life. People will ask the source of your joy and contentment, be ready to give them the words they need to hear. The Holy Spirit will give you those words when the time comes, just live out your faith. God bless!  

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