Friday, February 25, 2022

 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24


If there is one thing I can promise you, if God has brought you to something, He will make a way through it. God oftentimes uses the difficulties we face to shape and mold us into a more trustworthy and faithfully strong child of God. Only through dependence upon the Lord will you find strength to overcome the obstacles life throws at you.


God’s promise to never leave nor forsake you is real. He has given you the Holy Spirit, who resides in you, who prays on your behalf, who provides wisdom, who convicts when you are headed toward disaster and best of all secures the relationship He has established with you. It’s forever, never to be taken away.


Whatever you are facing today, just know that God has allowed it to come into your life to make a better you. Although it may be painful and you might feel a loss, trust me when I say, your losses provide great gain of God’s blessings when you come out on the other side, stronger than before. Trust that God will equip you for the days and weeks ahead. God bless!

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