Saturday, February 19, 2022

 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6


There is an old saying: “you get back what you give”, is quite true. When you invest yourself, your talents, your finances, into something worthwhile, it will usually bring back something good in return. Making this world a better place through your acts of kindness reward not only the recipient, but yourself.


Today’s verse sheds light on giving of yourself, your talents and finances. Oftentimes people hold back the abundance to make themselves feel secure when times get thin. Looking at it in the spiritual sense, God owns it all and He is the One who provided that abundance you hold so tightly.


As a child of God, you are commanded to give, and not just your finances. When you entrust everything you give (time, talents and finances), God has a way of multiplying the return on your freely given resources. Trusting in Him to help you deliver God’s goods to others through your generosity will help you ease the temporary control you have over what He’s given you.  The more you give, the more blessed you’ll be in life.


Giving opens the door to showing the light of Jesus to a dark world. Trusting God to supply all your needs will help you develop a generous spirit. Through it all, your generous sowing of God’s blessings will reap bountiful rewards here on earth and in Heaven. Go and sow bountifully today! God bless!


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