Monday, February 7, 2022

 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:16-17


When was the last time you can say something good happened in your life? Maybe you received a promotion at work, afforded a new car purchase, your child received special recognition for his accomplishments or maybe you just had a good day without the troubles of life disrupting your joy. Did you take credit for the good thing that happened?


God has a way of dispensing blessings at just the perfect time. His blessings sustain your faith in Him, they encourage you when down and they oftentimes give you a sense of purpose. Whatever they do for you, they are part of God’s plan for your life. How you receive, acknowledge and utilize those blessings aligns you for future ones. They are like edges on the side of a mountain, as you climb, they give you something to grab hold to as you move upward through life.


The process of blessings should first be awareness. Keeping an eye out for the good things is essential; it keeps you from focusing on the bad things. When they do happen, you should recognize their source; not all good things come from God alone. The devil will often use a good thing to steer you off course or plant a seed of pride in your heart. Upon understanding the blessing is authored by God, thank Him and seek out His purpose for the blessing. Once you do that, your vision to reach beyond your current place on the mountainside will be more visible.   


God’s blessings will always help you in life. Recognize their source, be thankful and always look for their purpose as you climb the mountainside of life. God bless!

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