Wednesday, February 9, 2022

 But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!” Acts 8:20


Ever find yourself in a retail store and saw something you really wanted, only to be told its not for sale. The owner placed it there as décor for people’s enjoyment. I feel that way when I walk into a Cracker Barrel and look at all the décor suspended from the ceiling and walls.


Today’s passage comes from Acts 8:9-25 where a man named Simon had a lot of money and ability to amaze people by his magic tricks. He saw people receive the Holy Spirit and wanted this for himself. He offered his money and was basically told salvation isn’t for sale. Peter slammed him pretty hard and even went on to say: “You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God.” After some correction, Simon asked for God’s forgiveness and cleansed his heart of the poisonous beliefs that held him captive to money.


What can you learn from this brief story? Money will go only so far. Some of the best blessings from God don’t have a price tag. It comes by living the life God has called for you. Self-sacrifice, surrendering your will for His, giving your time to help others, devoting time to pray for others, the list is endless. If you are truly in tune with God, His Holy Spirit will direct you to action, not money, to grow and benefit the kingdom of God.


Find ways to bring glory and honor to the Lord outside of your checkbook and see the results of your commitment go further and more meaningful. God bless!

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