Saturday, February 5, 2022

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


“I can’t do this” was a common statement I made when I first became a supervisor at my work. The pressure to perform consistently in an ever-changing world made it seem impossible to maintain a steady flow of productivity. Where did this pressure lead me? To Christ! I found that if I started my day off praying at work, actually walking around the building in prayer, I surrendered my plan and strength to Christ and He has always made a way for me through the daily challenges and struggles of overseeing my staff and our responsibilities as a team.


But, I have to admit, there are days when I feel completely overwhelmed and question why God has allowed a tidal wave of adversity to sweep over me. As a result, I cling even more strongly to Christ and hunker down in prayer, oftentimes on my knees at my desk chair, to seek His strength and wisdom for the moment of crises. I can tell you He comes through each time. The key is for me to continually keep my focus on Him, so He can orchestrate the challenges at hand.


Maybe you are feeling zapped physically and spiritually by the challenges of life. Turn your focus from your problems and look to Jesus Christ for strength and help. The outcome might not be as you planned, but His plan always is best and will prepare you for the next wave of adversity.  Your weakness is an open invitation for His strength to accomplish all things through Christ. God bless!

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