Tuesday, February 15, 2022

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths Proverbs 3:5-6


As I’ve aged and technology has grown, I tend to rely on its resources, specifically navigation through GPS. I simply plug in my intended destination and it provides the best route. Today’s navigation systems evaluate traffic in real time and offer changes to routes to avoid disruptions in travel. I’ve been down some back roads, made many turns and even had to take long roads, but eventually I arrived where I planned.


The Christian life is very similar, except we don’t need to rely on technology to direct us down the right path. We have instilled in us the Holy Spirit of God, a living navigator, who always has our best route in mind. When we encounter trouble or disruptions in life, He helps us through those rough patches, oftentimes taking us through them, rather than around the problem. But, during each mile, He keeps us in the proper lane. If we look to Him and not our problems, we will get through them successfully, and most likely grow from the difficulty.


What issue faces you today? You probably have in mind how to respond. Don’t look at the difficulty, look and listen to how God wants you to respond. By trusting His voice, you put the responsibility on Him as long as you remain obedient to His direction. God has today’s route mapped out. Are you willing to trust Him? Trust Him with all of your heart and He shall direct your paths! God bless!

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