Wednesday, November 30, 2016

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Some days the battle is real. There are people and instances that you know are waiting ahead of you that will disrupt the normal flow of the day. I like to refer to them as "little devils". They are like instruments in the hand of Satan. As a Child of God, Satan does his best to cause uneasy tension inside of us through the evil works of others to rob us of joy and peace.

As Children of God, we need to always remember the power that resides in us through the Holy Spirit. God has overcome the world through the work of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for mankind's sins. There is power in the blood of Jesus. Drawing upon that power and binding Satan are tools we have to fight against a defeated enemy. If you call upon God, He hears your call for help and responds accordingly. 

Are you facing people or things that bring a sourness to your day? Give it up to God in prayer and have faith and trust in Him, knowing He will work ahead of you to smooth the path. Yes, there might be a few hurdles to step over, but God will continue to equp you for today's journey...lean on Him. Have a blessed day! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Isaiah 58:11

The southeast has been under extreme drought conditions. Until today, we have not seen rain in over 3 months. A lack of rain has lowered many streams to a trickle and lakes drawn down so low...some ponds are nothing but a mud hole. 

On the farm though, we have a spring that has continued to provide water for the cattle. Although things on the surface have dried up, this spring of water, deep in the ground, continues to push water up and provide refreshing nourishment for those who need it for their survival. 

The same is true for the Christian. Living inside of us is the power of the Holy Spirit. God's spirit living inside of us provides all that we need in times of sadness, loneliness and discouragement. It's up to us to harness and gather that power, that love and strength to carry us through life's drought conditions. 

Is your life like a drought right now? Nothing good is happening, maybe you've lost a close loved one, dealing with a medical condition that seems to have no cure or simply life just doesn't seem exciting or important. My friend, gather round the well spring of the Holy Spirit. Pray to God specifically for what you need. He might not provide exactly what you've requested, but He will provide His best and keep you close to Him for daily nourishment. 

Nothing this world provides will give you eternal satisfaction like God can through His Spirit living inside you. Kneel before the spring and soak up His nourishment in your life. He will sustain you today and all the tomorrow's if you keep your focus and trust in Him. God bless!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

Peace. What is your definition of "peace"? For most of us it's a period of time with no stress, no worries, no noise or clutter. It's a time when we can sit back and rest...feel comfortable and confident in the moment. Some find it while on vacation, resting at home or in the moments of solitude on top of a mountain or by the ocean. Sadly the majority of people only find true peace in brief snippets of time...maybe only a few times a month. 

What if we lived in a constant state of peace? How can we get to that point in our life? Jesus said that we will have "trouble in this world". If you are breathing, you most likely have some stressful issue lingering over you at this moment. I truly believe God allows these big issues or stressful situations to come our way so we can turn to Him for strenth, encouragement and hope for tomorrow. By doing so, His presence is felt and often seen in moments where He answers our prayers for help. 

Sometimes He orchestrates his response so smoothly that we overlook His miracles. Have you ever prayed for something for a period of time...then realize He answered your prayer weeks before? He knows what we need, when we need it. He has already planned to help you deal with those challenging times....He is just waiting for you to allow Him to work His way in your life. So often we hinder His miracles by thinking we can do this on our own. We miss His blessings when we don't give it all to Him. 

Living a peaceful life 24 hours a day, seven days a week takes a Christian willing to keep his or her focus on God at all times and KNOW and have CONFIDENCE that God has planned His perfect response, all we have to do is surrender it to Him and thank Him for the work He is doing in our life. It's all part of His plan to make us grow in our faith and build confidence in God. Trust Him today with everything so you can have peace in your heart and life. You'll be a more useful Child of God with peace and trust in Him. Have a blessed day friend. ‎

Sunday, November 27, 2016

If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. 1 Peter 4:11. 

As Christians, what we say and do clearly show the level of "oneness" we have with God. The words we speak should be with a spirit of love, compassion, forgiveness and pureness. Our actions should reflect the very character of Christ. Through our words and actions we should bring glory to God. 

You might be sitting there saying to yourself..."easier said than done". We live in a world and culture that has removed almost every shred of spirituality and Christ. Even the two words "Merry Christmas" have become taboo for some people who try to be "politically correct". 
It takes a complete mind and heart transformation to live a Godly life in a godless society. God calls us to reflect His image in our lives. So how do we get to the state of spiritual oneness?

1. Prayer. Pray that God will transform your life into the person He designed you to be...a useful tool in His hands. 2. Study God's word and let it soak in. If you have a specific "weak area" in your life that hinders your relationship with God, find scripture that gives you strength and encouragement to have victory over your "giant". 3. Clean house. There are things in your life that suck the spirit right out of you.  Remove anything or anyone who hinders your spirit. 4. Get involved. Nothing blesses God than when you take time to serve Him in a local ministry. Ask God to lead you in the right direction and He will show you a ministry that aligns with your God given talents and abilities. 

As we approach the new year, dedicate yourself to living a more spirit filled life. Surrender up the things that hinder that oneness and focus on scripture and resources that will grow you into the image of Jesus Christ. Your life will have more meaning and purpose.....and blessings to others who feel God's touch through your life of service. 
Have a blessed day.

Friday, November 25, 2016

The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, But the stomach of the wicked shall be in want. Proverbs 13:25

One month from now we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Yes, on this "Black Friday", a day of shopping madness is only a month away from Christmas. Our list are long, nerves are strung out and our debt from purchases is mounting. Seem like last year's pre-Christmas experience? 

It's no surprise we relive this stressful cycle. The Devil makes it so easy for us to take our eyes off the true meaning of December 25th. Where is your focus today? Is it on the door buster sales or thanking God for His blessings in your life, especially your salvation and personal relationship with Christ. I'm not saying shopping for deals is a bad thing, as long as we keep our focus on the real meaning...keep our attitudes in the right perspective. This time of the year makes it's so easy to get off center from where we normally are in life.‎
So what's up with the scripture and this blog? My question to you...what fills you? Is it the things of this world or is it the peace and love of Jesus Christ. His love for you never ends and can fill every void in your life if you allow Him to occupy all aspects of your being. The world's things and it's ways wil leave you hungering for more, buy more, add to the debt load. By Christmas you'll be so weighted down in debt and stress the birth of Christ will have less meaning to you. 
Friend. Some deals are worth walking away for the sake of Christ. Keep Christ in Christmas this year, keep your focus on Him always and be thankful to God who gave us His Son who died for our sins and blessed us with eternal life and a sweet relationship with God. Feeding your heart with Christ will never make you hunger again. Feed on Him today! God bless! ‎

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous; And shout for joy, all you upright in heart. 
Psalm 32:11

On this day of Thanksgiving we have so much to be thankful for in our life. If you have a roof over your head, clothes to wear and food to eat, you are blessed. For some though, these things we often take for granted are hard to come by for more people than you realize. So be especially thankful if God has blessed you with food and protection. 

No matter our circumstances, we all have one thing to be thankful for and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He created a simple way for us to have a personal relationship with the creator of all things...including us! God loves each of us and wants to bless your life with the spiritual treasures that don't compare with earthly wealth and prosperity. Have you accepted Jesus free gift of Salvation? If not...pray today to ask Jesus to come into your life, forgive your sins and then walk everyday with Him. 
Thank God today for all He has done for you! Even if it's a free meal at a homeless shelter and cover over your head, you can rejoice that God sustains us and blesses us with His Holy Presence. A special thanks to the many men and women who serve our country and are away from their families today. God bless you, God bless America and thank you God for blessing me with friends, family and the necessities of life.
 Happy Thanksgiving friends.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. 
Psalm 128:1-2

If you have ever worked "overtime" and was compensated, that extra money in your paycheck was greatly appreciated. With the extra you were able to buy something for yourself or pay off some lingering bill. The extra hours of work might have been exhausting, but the reward was worth your labor. 

Our relationship with God is no different. If you sit back and analyze how much time you spend communing with Him in prayer and bible study you might find yourself coming up short. How much time should we spend with God? The bible says to pray continually. You don't always need to keep your eyes shut when praying....i talk to God all thru the day...and when good things happen...I thank Him. When discouragement or challenges come my way...I ask for His help and wisdom. He meets my every need, all day long. 

Obedience to His word! You can't do enough good to be saved, but once you accept Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior, God expects your complete obedience. He knows as fleshly humans we will fail Him from time to time. Ask for forgiveness and move forward. Turn from places, things and people that will cause you temptation and sin. That's called "surrendering self" to God. What you give up for the sake of Christ, He will bless you even more. 

The more time you put into growing your relationship with Christ, the better your life will be through His timely blessings. Obedience, surrender, time spent with Him equals a reward greater than any paycheck can deliver. Invest your time with Him today. Have a blessed day friend. ‎

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:8-9

For most people we like to be rewarded and praised for our actions. God is no different. As our Heavenly Father watches over us, He supplies what's necessary to sustain us daily. Our acknowledgment and gratitude for His goodness shows how much we appreciate and love Him. 

Without a grateful and thankful heart we redirect those blessings back to Him. If we are not sensitive and grateful for His blessings...even the smallest of blessings...then He will reduce or totally stop blessing us.  The only way to truly see those blessings is to stay in a constant state of prayer and give thanks to God. Even the smallest of things like an open parking space, a $20 bill laying on the ground by your car, a bill that was cancelled just because are blessings from God and should be acknowledged.  

God gives us blessings everyday...small to big. Our awareness and thankfulness of His blessings primes Him for our next one. And when we share our blessings with others we multiply their value. 

How aware are you of His blessings. Does the well seem dry? Maybe it's time to stop looking at the negative and thank Him for what you have. Then when blessings come, double their value by sharing with others in need. God will bless you daily by your gratitude and generousity. Thank Him today and every day!

Monday, November 21, 2016

For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life. Proverbs 6:23

I recall as a child growing up my parents gave me rules to live by and wisdom through their instruction. It never failed, if I drifted away from their words of wisdom, I encountered chaos, unnecessary expenses and sometime heart ache. But through their love for me, with arms open, the loved me and brought me back into alignment with what they knew as right. 

As a child of God, we too have a loving Father who has made our spiritual journey sound. He provided a direct source of wisdom, The Holy Spirit, who lives inside of every believer, He provided us His living word that guides and directs our every step and decision and most importantly He demonstrated how much He loves us by allowing Jesus to take on OUR sins so we can be washed clean of sin and stand in His presence. 

So why do we drift off course so easily. Pride and our selfish attitudes are the main culprit. Just like a child....we think we know best and we march down those roads that have barricades set in place for our protection. We say...well...that precaution is for someone else...and we keep going. Eventually we find out why it was closed and if not careful we will get swept away by the floodwaters of sin. Pain, unncecsarry expenses and a feeling of loneliness will sweep over us as we see the distance we've brought between us and our loving Heavinly Father. 

Have you walked around a baricaded  pathway? Curiosity or pride has set you off the safe path? Stop and turn around before it's too late. Pray for God's forgiveness and ask Him to guide you back to safety. He will do it...right into His loving arms. Yes, you might have some spiritual bruises and consequences for your sinful ways...but He still loves you and wants you to be back in His presence and provide you sound wisdom so you can be useful for His glory. 

Walking in complete obedience takes a lot of self determination and commitment to God. Bible reading and prayer help keep us heading in the right direction. Follow His lead always and you'll be spared the rod of correction as a result of your prideful ways. Stay the course today my friend. God bless. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27

At the moment of human conception the clock starts counting downward to the moment of death. No one is immune from the end of life, we all have an appointed time to die. Sadly, so many go through life missing opportunities to make each moment count in life. God blesses us with families and friends to make sweet memories and fill our hearts with love. 

Here recently I have attended a few funerals and visitations. I've been so encouraged to hear good things about those who have passed. Wonderful memories recalled over and over. Reflection of the good times in life helps remedy our loss and unifies those whose loved one's life weaved everyone together in those vivid stories filled with laughter and fun. 

Death can come at the most uncertain time. Some have time to plan for the end, for others it comes at the moment of living life to the fullest. Make each moment count my friend. Make those sweet memories for others to share and recall. Those memories is what keeps you alive in the hearts and minds of friends and families. 

Live life to the fullest my friend. The clock is ticking and your time here on earth is just a vapor. Make each moment count! Dedicating today's devotion to one of my co-workers who just lost her sweet mother. Pray for this family, and families who are grieving loss of a loved one! They need our prayers. God bless. ‎

Saturday, November 19, 2016

And the children of Israel said to them, "oh that we have died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.". Exodus 16:3

Moses lead the people of Israel out of Egyptian captivity and slavery, into the wilderness. For 40 years they stayed in the wilderness, awaiting God to give them the promised land....which He did after the 40 year period. God had a specific plan for His people, He knew everything they would need to sustain life. 

In today's passage we see that His people were grumbling and had little faith in Moses and God's leading them to freedom. They were hungry, possible starving. Why did God wait until they grumbled for food to provide this important necessity? I truly believe that as Children of God, He allows us to reach the point of hunger, to the state of being completely humble and our only hope is to call upon God for help. In our despiration, He showers us with mana from Heaven to feed our hunger. 

What are you hungering for today? Maybe food, love, money to pay an important bill or healing from a horrific illness. Call upon God for help. He might not fill that bank account with an over abundance of money or completely heal you (although He can)...but He will sustain you if you truly believe in Him and trust Him with all of your heart. Over the years I've found when I'm at the greatest need of something is when He blesses me more than I could have ever imagined by simply calling upon Him and having the faith and belief that He will supply all my needs according to His will and purpose for my life.

Always, always, always remember, everything in your life has a purpose and is part of His plan. There isn't one need you have that He hasn't already planned to meet. His plan always works best when it has an obedient and trusting servant (you) to fulfill it's purpose. Trust Him today to supply the things you hunger for and follow His will closely for your life. Together it will bring glory to God and blessings in your life! Have a blessed day friend. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to you. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are. 
John 17:11

Just before Jesus arrest, He prayed this prayer for His disciples. He also said a similar prayer for all believers in John 17:21. In both passages He refers to everybody as "one". As Christians, our lives are all woven together into One being. I can't tell you the number of times in my life when fellow Christians have called me at the exact moment I've needed encouraging words, or met someone who touched my spirit through conversation about Spiritual matters and the works of God. Things don't just happen by chance people. God orchestrates everything in the lives of all believers. 

Knowing this fact, what can you do as a Child of God? Pray for fellow believers. When you pray for another Christian you are also praying for yourself. Think about it....we are all "one". The realization that this "world" is not our home, makes us vulnerable to attack through circumstances and other people. Satan uses even our closest friends to bring dischord in our lives. So pray for fellow believers in Christ so that as "one" body we can sustain our faith in this foreighn land. 

Share the message of Jesus Christ with others. Salvation is like a life-ring on a ship. You throw it out there to someone who is drowning. If your eyes are in tune with God, you can clearly see thousands of lives around you drowning in sin and weighted down by their wordly coverings. Throw them the life-ring of Jesus Christ and save them while you can....we are all "creations of God"...we are all "one". Save the drowning! 

Finally, plug into a church of unified believers. Your church should not serve you, but you serve in the church. The church is just a building, a gathering place for believers. Serve in some capacity, when you do so you serve God. As a church family serving God, you are "one" in spirit, one in service and one body showing their love and appreciation for the Savior whoe died for us all. 

Are you part of the "all in one"? If not, accept Jesus Christ gift of sins forgiven and become a child of God through faith and belief in the ONE who offers eternal life in Heaven. Become one of His chosen today. God bless!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others. Philippians 2:4

As we approach the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas, so many people will be in need. Not necessarily need for money or food....although there are so many in desperate situations, but the need for encouragement and human interaction. Many people these days live alone either being single, divorced, widowed or separated from family for some reason. 

Do you see these people in your life? They are there. You probably don't have to think but a second and a few names come to mind. What can you do for them? Let me share a few ideas:
1. Pray for them. Pray that God will shower them with His presence during this holiday season so they don't feel alone. I can tell you being single myself, feeling the presence of God sustains me even on the loneliest of nights. 

2. Visit with them. Text messages are nice, but a simple phone call or visit in person means so much. Simply taking time from your day to show them that they mean something to you is such an encouragement. People truly appreciate it when you devote time for them. 

3. Share with them. Either bake something sweet or a meal. If you can't bake, buy something at the store...a tin of cookies or candy. All the stores have food and candy neatly decorated in holiday packaging. A tin of cookies is $2. Not much expense to simply to say...I care about you. 

4. Write a note inside a holiday card. We don't seem to use Christmas cards much these days. Send a few cards with words of encouragement and tell them how much they mean to you. They'll treasure it through the holidays. 

From now through New Years, take 30 minutes each day and do something for someone else. By doing so will share the love of Christ with those around you. Your reward will be a smile thanking you for your time and God's blessings for sharing His love. Pray and ask God to encourage and lead you to do this today and everyday through January 1st. Making America great again, one American at a time. God bless! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight in abundance. Isaiah 55:2

Have you ever went to buy something and you found a similar item cheaper. So you paid for the less expensive one, only to have it break or not work as good as the name brand? I think we all have at one time or another. Back to the store you go to purchase the quality item...the end result: you wasted time and money. 

The same is true in our daily walk with the Lord. He provides for us Godly wisdom, yet we want to follow our own path, our own way of thinking...which is opposite of the Lords. We push forward with our actions only to come up empty handed or experience loss and suffering. Once you realize your look to the Lord for help and realize how far you have gone off the safe pathway He has provided. It's a long, very long hike back to His graces and safety...but necessary for your own good and restoration of relationship with God. 

As I sit here and write, I recall several times I have marched on my own path, far removed from His safe pathway. I suffered loss, pain and some permanent emotional scars that are still felt today. Maybe you too have a prideful heart and don't want to listen to God's instructions. My friend, listen to His wisdom, trust His wisdom and obey His direction for your life. You will spare yourself a lot of uneccesary pain and suffering. 

Are you walking in the opposite direction God has called you? Stop! Realize your ways are not God's will. You trusted Him to be your Lord and Savior, trust that He has only good intentions for you. Trust Him enough to turn around NOW and walk towards His pathway of safety before you suffer from your second hand wisdom and thinking. He knows best, trust Him today! Safe travels my friend.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

    A fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about. Psalm 97:3
Here in Georgia and parts of the Carolinas wildfires have spread across vast woodlands. The drought has made everything so dry...even one spark can start a raging fire. Although wildfires may seem bad, they are actually good. You see, under all those leaves and pine straw are tiny seeds deep in the ground. As the ground cover is consumed by fire, sun hits the ground, causing those seeds to grow luscious plants which is good food for wildlife. When you go back in the Spring, you'll see a forest floor full of green plants and flowers. It's a beautiful sight. 

As Christians we too may have a wildfire come into our life. From out of no where one spark sets off an uncontrollable blaze. Painful as it might be, certain aspects of your life may be consumed and completely removed. In desperation, you call out to God for help...yet the fire continues to consume what you've held close to your heart. As the fire eventually goes out and the smoke settles all you see is an open space...charred and life in dissarray. 

Your loss doesn't happen in vain. As a new season of life approaches and the tears have washed away the ashes, you notice new life begin to grow in the voided space. New people, a new job or new experiences begin to take hold and hope for tomorrow turns sadness to satisfaction and joy. The fires don't destroy us, they make us better and bring beauty into our life in a way only God can orchestrate. 

God has a plan and purpose for every wildfire we experience. Don't let the flames and smoke make you lose hope. God has a better plan for your life. Yes, the fire will be hot and can be horribly difficult to experience, but the outcome will bring newness and more beauty to your sweet life as a child of God. Keep your faith strong and trust in God for new growth appears in the days ahead. He loves you and has the best plans for you!
 God bless friend.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Father in Heaven.  Matthew 6:9

This week I'd like to break down the Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9 - 13). 

As a child, it was always comforting to know where my parents were as I went through life. I know I could always depend on them to hear my call for help or give me a word of encouragement or wisdom when needed. Even though the majority of my life has been a significant distance away from home, I always know they are there...loving me, praying for me and ready to respond to any need I may encounter. So blessed!!

As Christians, we know our Father is in Heaven! Although there seems to be a significant distance between Him and us, we can be assured He is always there, ready to meet our needs, provide wisdom, encouragement and shower us with His great love. He has given each believer His Spirit, which resides in each of us. Always awake, always available 24/7. 

Sadly, so many Christians go through life alone and rarely seek out the spirit living inside of them. Life has its challenges and crises and turmoil comes quickly and without end it seems. The weight of our worries and troubles tires our weak, fleshly bodies to the point of giving up. My friend, let go of the weights that burden you; call upon the Lord (He hears your cries for help) and let Him lighten your load, encourage you through the trial, give you sound wisdom as you navigate life and most of on you when you are feeling unloved. He is your eternal Father. Harness the resources He provides. 

You may think God is "out there" somewhere far off, but truthfully He is inside your heart...ready to respond. Commune with Him through prayer and bible'll find that His care for you extends further than any earthly parent could give. Commune with Him today. God bless.  

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 
1 Timothy 6:12

If you've ever had the privilege of raising a child, you know one of the highlights is seeing them learn to walk. The child desires to get up and stand on his own two feet, but needs our help in the beginning. Holding their little hands in ours we help them rise, stand and take those first steps. Once they get it figured out, we let go so they can walk on their own and develop confidence. 

As a child of God, we too hold God's hand at various times in our eternal walk with Him. When the going gets rough, His big hand is right there ready for us to embrace as we take a few wobbly steps in new territory. Once we get moving in the right direction, God sometimes let's go of our hand so we can develop confidence. Not necessarily confidence in ourselves, but confidence in God, knowing this is His will for our life. 

At times we may ask...where are you God;  Why did you let go; And we may feel all alone out there as we take each step. But friend, I can assure you He is there....encouraging you and watching over you. Not one step is taken without His foreknowldge and loving protection. No matter the circumstances and how lonely you may feel, keep moving and sustain your faith and trust in God. 

Has God called you in a specific direction and the steps ahead look uncertain? Keep moving, fight the good fight of faith. God has every step covered and knows the outcome of your journey. Walk in confidence today knowing the creator of life has planned each step you take to fulfill a specific purpose to glorify Him and bless your life. Step forward in faith today friend! God bless!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34

If you've ever had a crises in your life and you lean into God and allow His presence to comfort you and sustain you, then you know this is the best place to be. Walking closely with the Lord every day is the best place to be. As we walk together, He sustains us, feeds us wisdom and helps us move over the speed bumps of life. So why do we worry about future events or things outside of our control?  

When we worry about the future, we actually run to the issue and run away from God. When we worry, we are saying "this future event is more important than walking with you here and now Lord". It grieves Him deeply when we run away and chase after something He already has planned for down the road.

Is there some future event in your life that has you running away from God...worrying you sick? Walk back to God and embrace his hand as He leads you you what's necessary for today's battles and preparing you for tomorrow's journey. He already has plans on how to deal with your future. Today's journey equips you for tomorrow's trials. Stay close to God always and you will never lose hope for the future. God bless.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11

Let's face it, we all deal with issues of being judgmental and because we form opinions about certain people of race, nationality or people "across the tracks" from where we live, we tend to have less compassion and love for them. Left unchecked, your attitudes can turn to hate. The minute you see these people, your shield comes up and you turn away from them. I see it more and more....guilty as charged! 

One day God laid a thought on my mind....every person is a "creation of God". He created them. And not only that...He allowed their existence. You might be saying..."how can God have allowed _______ to exist and for what purpose?". Well...He did and only God knows the reason why. 

As Children of God we need to see people through the eyes of God! He loves everyone no matter if they love Him or hate Him. His love spans further than anyone human can fathom. His love was so clearly expressed by His Son Jesus Christ who willingly walked to the cross to pay the sin debt for you and me. Even in our wickedness and sinful life, He said...I love you enough to die for you! ‎

Folks, we might not agree with some people's ways, beliefs or actions. We are not to judge, but to love everyone like Christ. Does your life reflect the love of Jesus to everyone? Pray that God will help you see people as creations of God and fill your heart with love.  By showing love and compassion to others, we reflect the love of Christ to the lost. Love others today and see the Lords blessings rain down upon your life! Have a loving and blessed day! ‎

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Now they have known that all things which You have given Me are from you." John 17:7

In Jesus final prayer to God before His death, He prayed for His disciples. This one verse says it all....everything given to Jesus came from God. Jesus, who is God's Son, came to earth to share the love and wisdom of God and make a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him through Jesus sacrifice on the cross for our sins. 

God gave us Jesus. Jesus gives us His Holy Spirit. Living inside of you is the power, wisdom and love of God. He gives us everything we need to live the Christian life. Are you using it to the fullest potential? 

He cares for and loves us. He has given us everything we need to live our life for Him. All we need to do is learn to harness those resources through the Holy Spirit. How to harness that power: surrender self, trust God in everything, remain obedient to His word and stay in a constant state of prayer. 

God gives you everything needed for life because He loves you. Thank Him today and live out your faith knowing it's backed by God's promise to never leave you nor forsake you. 
Have a confident day in the Lord! ‎

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

But knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house divided." Luke 11:17

 As we come to grips with the election results many will be happy, some worrisome and others downright mad and some even desiring to leave the country. The closeness of votes for both candidates in some states sends out a clear message...this country is divided. Jesus own words says "a house or nation divided will not stand." It's time to do something about this division and hold this great nation together. How do we do that?

1. Pray! Prayer is the first and foremost thing we should do when challenging times come our way. This nation is vulnerable to internal unrest which can result in riots. We need to pray for God's peace in this country. We need to pray for our new leader and the government that they will function together for the good of this country. Pray for God's hand of protection upon this country. Looking around the world, it's clear that we have many enemies. They would love nothing more than to see America fall. Keep praying. 

2. Stay positive. You might not agree with Mr Trump, but accept that he will be our new leader and look for the positives in his heart felt desire to make America great. Making America great sound positive, let's stay positive and support the things you agree on. If there is something you dissagree...then your voice should be's your freedom of speech and no one should take that from you. Remember, negativity never accomplishes anything so stay positive. 

3. Be a light in your world. God calls us as Christians to be a light in the darkness. Be that light, the reflection of Jesus Christ to those around you. Be a good citizen and do good things for those in need, give from your abundant blessings, serve where possible and love those who are unloved. We have a lot of healing to do and what better attitude and mindset to have, than that of Jesus Christ. 

Let's make America great again, one American at a time. God bless friends.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

On this election day people will go to the polls and select the candidate they want to see in office. For most, their selection will be for the candidate that matches their personal beliefs or provides the most gain for self. There is no doubt this election has been one of the most talked about, emotionally driven and character challenged debates of all time. Whomever is the victor, there will be much unrest in this country. We live in pearlis times. 

Regardless of this country's leader, we as Christians, have One ruler who loves us and desires peace in our lives through a personal relationship with Him. Even in the midst of turmoil and evil days, God's love for His children is the only hope we have regardless of the external circumstances surrounding us. Our future isn't in the hands of man, but God. Trust Him in every matter, every conflict and praise Him for His authority over mankind. He is our hope for tomorrow. 

My prayer is you will put your complete trust and faith in God today. Nothing in life has more assurance than a God who purposefully allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to take on the evil of this world and the darkest sins to bridge the gap between us and Him. As you vote today, pray for God's guidance and pray for this country. Our forefathers sought after this nation so they could freely worship God....dont surrender what your previous generation died for to give you the freedoms of today under God's protection. God bless you and may God bless America.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Then they said to Him, "Who are You?". And Jesus said to them, "Just what I have been saying to you from the beginning." John 8: 25.

‎During the time in Jesus life when He was teaching people about righteous living and the love of God, many people questioned who He was. Their minds were so consumed in rituals and their own narrow belief system, it was difficult for them to grasp the reality of Jesus and His true purpose for coming to earth. 

Fortunately today, we don't have to ask who Jesus is...we already know that He is God in the flesh, who came to earth to show us the character of God and how to live a life pleasing to our Heavenly Father. The most important thing Jesus did, He took on the sins of mankind and paid a sin debt none of us could pay. Because of our sin, God can't even look at us. But, once we receive Jesus into our hearts, we are washed clean of sin, eternally forgiven of our sins, and made new through the mighty power and love of God. 

Who do you say Jesus is? Have you accepted Him into your life? If not, all you have to do is believe in Him, know that He died for your sins and ask for His forgiveness of your sinful life and allow Him to occupy your heart and walk daily with Him through prayer, bible study and worship with fellow believers.   As you dig deeper into God's word and pray, He will reveal more of Himself to you. 

Ask Jesus to come into your heart and experience the presence of God in your everyday life. It will have more meaning and blessings are sure to follow. God bless. ‎

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well..."Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst, but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
John 4:13-14

This real life story about a woman who came to the town's well for water and she meets Jesus...face to face. This woman has had five husbands in her life and was with a different man at the time. Jesus, knowing all things, let her know He was aware of her history. The "story" in the story.....she was seeking happiness in the world. She was trying to find happiness through relationships in men...unsuccessful with one, she moved to the next. Sadly she was still searching and coming up dry. 

Maybe you are searching for happiness in a certain person or thing. Your confidence in something "worldly" will be challenged over time as people and things will let you down. There is very little satisfaction in the things and people of the world today. ‎

Jesus told this woman that whoever puts their trust and confidence in Him will never thirst, will never feel at a loss or shortchanged. He will always be with you and sustain you. He is more dependable than anything in the world. How do you make Him more "real" and experience His presence in your life you ask? Pray to God freqently, read your bible and use a devotional to help guide you through His word. Then, seek Him in every aspect of your life. Once you do that, your awarness of everything He touches will be known to you. Keep the focus on Him and not the ways, things or people of the will see Him and experience His love for you. 

We read in John 19:28: After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said "I thirst". As Jesus was breathing his last breaths on the cross, he stated He was thirsty. Jesus bore the sins of mankind....they left Him thirsty. Friend, this world will leave you thirsty and always seeking more. Seek after Him and He will meet your every need in life. God bless! ‎

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2

In this passage, Paul is asking believers to pray for him as he continued to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and plant church all across the land. One of his obstacles was the people who did not believe in the message of Jesus Christ sacrifice on the cross for everyone's sin. These unbelievers came against Paul and did what they could to shut him down. 

I've stated it before, as children of the living God, we all have been given talents to perform certain tasks for the Lord. Through the wisdom and voice of the Holy Spirit, who resides in each believer, you can hear Him prompting you to do certain things that will show the love of Christ to others. Your works for the Lord will often be met by those skeptical of God and they may speak against you....keep the faith...keep your focus on God and pray through every hindering obstacle that comes your way. God will equip you to face your opponets and overcome their attempts to shut you down or make you feel less worthy. 

"But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one". Verse 3. Nothing is greater than God and His plan to spread the gospel to a world darkened by wickedness and unbelievers. Seek out God's calling for your special ministry, then stick with it! No matter the obstacle or people in your way, God's plan will be completed through your faithful and obedient service. Give it to God and see His works result in a bountiful harvest for His glory. Amen. ‎

Friday, November 4, 2016

    "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen. Revelation 1:18a.  

One of the enjoyable things I like to do while riding my motorcycle is stopping to see historic places. Old churches, covered bridges and historic cemeteries are just a few of the awesome discoveries I've made in my travels. What attracts me, and possibly you, to these historic icons? Maybe it's the awe of their construction or their story of how they survived all these years through storms or fires. Historic Places and their stories are simply fascinating. 

As Christians we have hope in Jesus Christ. He was here from day 1 and lives forever. The story of Jesus Christ and His life gives us a glimpse of God's character and the example He set for our lives as Children of God. Jesus Christ weathered through storms, faced many opponents, and was tempted by Satan himself. Through it all, Christ was victorious. 

The most fascinating thing He did was allow Himself to be the sacrifice for our sins. God loved us enough to provide a bridge that connects us to Him by the obedient sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. All we have to do is believe in Jesus and accept Him into our lives and live for Him everyday. The Spirit of God lives in each believer. Through Christ, we will live for all eternity in Heaven. We have the historic icon of Christ in us. 

If you have Jesus, you have a piece of history living inside of you. It's my hope and prayer that your life will be a reflection of Jesus love to a lost and dying world. Your life should draw people to you who ask....whats your hope for tomorrow? You can tell them about the story of Jesus and pray they will believe and accept the one historic icon who will live for all eternity. Share His story today with others! God bless friend.   ‎

Thursday, November 3, 2016

So the last will be first, and the first last. Matthew 20:16

Have you ever allowed someone else to step in front of you while waiting in a long line....only to be blessed later because of your generous act of kindness? I have and it's very rewarding. I've found that the more humble I am about things, the sweeter life becomes....less stress and people appreciate the selfless acts of kindness.  

Jesus Christ life was the perfect example of a humble human being. He surrendered His every action for the will of God to unfold through His life. He healed the sick, washed His disciples feet and most of all carried His cross to Calvary to pay our sin debt. His life is the perfect example of how we should live every day. 

In today's society, humbleness oftentimes is mistaken for being weak. So many people are looking out for #1....and often simply over look a person's selfless act of humbleness. But, there is ONE who takes notice and that is our Heavenly Father. He knows a person's good intentions and willingness to surrender  for others. As today's scripture says..."last will be first". 

Take a step back and evaluate your it really all about you? If you find humbleness a hard pill to swallow, ask God to help you become a humble person in your circle of influence. People will begin to see the Godly influence in your life and you will realize that first isn't always the best. Serve humbly my friend and experience God's rich blessings today. God bless.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on earth". Ephesians 6:2

As a creation of God, He hand picked you to be the off-spring of your parents. Under their care, you were given a set of standards to live by. Although those standards vary from family to family, they are important in your life and character. The very foundational teachings provided you in childhood will be carried through your adult life and eventually passed on to your children. It's so important as parents to teach your children Godly principles and belief in Jesus Christ. 

As children and even adults, we owe so much to our parents. They sacrificed so you could live. Your life and parents may not have been the ideal situation, but they brought you into the world, you should love and respect them. There is always some value and purpose in every situation....dont always look at the negative, but yield the fruits of the good things you learned along the way and thank God for the ones entrusted in your care. 

Have you told your parents you love them? Do it the scheme of things they won't be here for long.....give them the respect and love they deserve. Thank them for what they've done in your life...because it's who you are as an adult. Pass along the good to your children and see them flourish in life. It's what we all relish as parents. Be the parent your children love and respect...blessings will follow in life. God bless. ‎

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7
What does it mean to surrender? Basically, it's letting go of everything and allowing something or someone else to fill that void. It's saying I can't do this on my own, or this thing is a hindrance in my life so I'm giving it up. Surrender is not being defeated, it's the realization that our strength or the direction we've taken is not all its appeared and we are looking for a better way. The results of surrender are usually positive. 

God wants us to surrender all we have to Him. He owns everything anyhow...if you have it, it's because He blessed you with it. Nothing we possess or the people in our life should never come before God. When you prioritize God less than number 1, you will eventually discover that person or thing will not truly fulfill your every wish, desires and hope for tomorrow. Anything other than God is "worldly"...the includes your spouse, significant other...the list goes on. Remember...God blessed you with everything you have, but nothing should come before Him. 

When we allow things of this world to come before God, we give the devil an opening to try and control our life through this person or thing. They become our obsession to the point we no longer reflect the image of Christ in our daily life. 

Who or what is number 1 in your heart. If it's not God, you seriously need to do some re prioritizing and ask God to help you seek after Him in a more sincere way. When your focus is on Him, you will begin to see more of His presence in your life and experience daily blessings along the way. Surrender it all to Him and He will keep you safe from Satan's evilness and regrets later in life. Make God #1 today! God bless friend.

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