Sunday, December 31, 2017

Today's blog comes straight from an In Touch Ministries devotion by Dr. Charles Stanley. This is my goal for 2018, to connect to God on a deeper level. If you've found your life coming up spiritually short, join me as we commit our ways to the Lord in 2018. God bless!

No matter where you are in your walk with Christ, it’s never too late to begin pursuing a deeper relationship with Him. Whether you’re already passionate about Jesus or know Him only on a surface level, it is wise to do as Paul urged—to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). To get started, follow these six steps:

1. Study Scripture. No one can know God apart from His Word since He speaks to us through it, revealing who He is and what He does.

2. Be willing to spend time alone with the Father in prayer, meditation, and worship. One of the main reasons Christians don’t have a close relationship with Jesus is that they’re unwilling to invest the time needed to know Him better.

3. Trust God. The depth of any relationship depends on the level of trust.

4. Obey Him. As we take each step of obedience, the Lord will reveal more of Himself.

5. Observe how Christ works in your life. By paying attention to how the Lord operates, you’ll become familiar with His ways and goals.

6. Make Jesus your top priority. Be willing to lay aside anything that competes with your loyalty and devotion to Him.

Knowing Christ intimately is possible for all believers. The key is persistence, so forget past failures and press on. Find an example to follow. My grandfather’s relationship with Jesus was the inspiration for my journey of intimacy with Christ. I knew that if he had that kind of relationship with Jesus, so could I.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20

What is an ambassador? Googled one definition is: an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. Today I want you to spend a few minutes and check your life…are you an ambassador for Christ? A few thoughts to consider.

1.    My life reflects the image of Christ. A good way to answer that question is to check yourself against the “fruits of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
The Spirit of Christ resides in every child of God. If you are growing your spiritual roots in Christ, then these traits should be blooming from your life. If you find some areas lacking, ask for God’s help to bring about these spiritual fruits so you can truly reflect the Holy Spirit living inside you!

2.    My thought pattern resembles Christ. Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”. Lets face it, we will never reach the level of Christ purity. But if we want to raise the bar on spiritual growth, we need to set the standard high so we are always pursing something greater Reading God’s word is an important part of changing the way we think. As we learn to transform our mind into the thoughts of Christ, our outward behavior will reflect Christ purity and goodness. Unless we have a mindset of Christ, our actions will not be representative of Christ. What areas of your thought patterns need changing? Considerations….jealousy, greed, self-centeredness, racism, hatred..the list is endless. Train your mind on Christ by reading the bible.  

3.    Are you serving the Lord in your capacity as an ambassador? He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2 Jesus gave us the great commission to go out and spread the gospel of Christ. We can do that by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, helping others in need and living out Christ attributes in our every day life. He always saw the need of others. Do you find it hard to put others before you? If so, ask God to help change your mindset, so you can look beyond your needs and see the needs of those around you…believe me there are plenty in need these days and it takes people willing to readjust their schedule to align time spent in the fields for harvest.  

Just a few things to verify you are on the right track representing Christ in your every day life. We all have areas to improve. Join me as we move into 2018, make this new year a year of improving our thoughts, actions and willingness to serve all for the glory of Christ. Be a good ambassador for Him today! God bless!!!!

Friday, December 29, 2017

Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. 7They
will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
Psalm 112:6-7

Radio, television, newspaper, and social media, they love reporting “bad news”.  Skim any news source and you won’t find anything encouraging or positive, just news that is written to stir emotions…to scare you, trouble your mind and heart about the future. For that reason, I have done away with my TV and refuse to sit and read any news. There is only ONE source of news I need and it comes from God’s word.

When you are truly grounded in God and the bible, nothing will shatter your heart, nothing will blow away your hopes and dreams and you will never shift in your stand for God. Trusting the Lord in every matter of your life…from relationships, finances, employment, church attendance, tithing and every day life….your world will be secure enough to withstand any bad news that hits. You will never find it difficult to trust the Lord. And believe me, HE allows certain events and circumstances to cross thru your life to strengthen you and learn to depend on Him more each and every day. I’m living proof of that!

Like a hurricane proof home that comes out unscathed from the worst storm, will YOU be able to withstand the events of today? Ask God to help you depend on Him more, look for areas of your life that need more of God’s light shining in it(mine is finances and service to God) and push back from the worldly news and focus on God’s news…the good news of His word, the bible. Read it and almost immediately your outlook on life will be brighter. Get grounded in God’s word today!

God bless

Thursday, December 28, 2017

As for you, O Lord, you will not restrain your mercy on me;

 your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me!

 Psalm 40:11

Yesterday I was in a line at Walmart to return a few items. In front of me was a young lady with a child’s toy. I asked her if she and her family had a nice Christmas. She paused for a moment, choked up and said quietly, “my son had a good Christmas”. A few seconds later, as best she could with tears in her eyes, choked out the words…My grandfather died on Christmas. My heart just broke for this young soul. I could tell her grandfather meant the world to her. This Christmas will leave an eternal mark on her life, never to forget this tragic event that happened on one of the most joyous holidays…the birth of Christ.

A few years ago, our family lost a sweet and loving friend. So unexpected and without reason, yet, she was gone. Everyone who knew her was just heartbroken and asking “why”.  Sometimes in life, we don’t have the answer to “why”. Things happen in life that are totally unexplained and without reason. Yet, we must carry on with our own life. How can we move forward from a tragic event? I can tell you that God promises to never leave, nor forsake us. He is always there, ready to carry us through the trials and heartaches of life. Sometimes we don’t see Him up ahead, that’s because He is behind us, encouraging us and pushing us forward to the next day.

In the middle of my sadness over the loss of this wonderful person, God whispered “stay the course”.  Christopher Columbus would have never made it to North America if he turned around when storms approached his boat. He stayed the course and discovered the new world, today the United States of America! Stay the course friend through every trial and painful circumstance. God is with you in the storm, in the pain and in your suffering. He is all around you; you might not see Him, but know He is there. Fall back into His loving presence and lean on Him for comfort, strength and healing. He will see you to a new day, stay the course!

God bless!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

“Slow down. Take a deep breath. What’s the hurry?
    Why wear yourself out? Just what are you after anyway?
But you say, ‘I can’t help it.
    I’m addicted to alien gods. I can’t quit.’

Jeremiah 2:25

I don’t know about you, but 2017 has flown by so quickly, I can barely recall what I did from September through November. Its all a blur and seems to speed up as I add another year to my life. I just put up my Christmas décor yesterday (December 26) so it will feel like there are a  few months before I get it back out. Life, it goes that fast and I’m sure you feel the pull of time on your busy schedule as well. The things we do (multi-tasking), the commitments we make and the hours we put into social media or hobbies, leaves God asking “how much time will my children spend with me?”

How much time do you spend with God? If you are like me, you block out some morning time for devotions and prayer…and that’s awesome. But, that’s like 30 – 45 minutes at best. What about the rest of the day? Jesus mission on earth was accomplished in the 30 some years of His life, yet among the pressure to perform miracles and speak wisdom to his followers, He made time for God. Secretly and quietly slipping away to pray. When we connect to God, His Spirit inside us, awakens a little more and is ready and willing to provide us Godly wisdom and direction we need to get through the day. If you truly want to be blessed by the benefits of God’s wisdom, make an effort to connect to Him hourly. Trust me, it will do you a world of good in this time-consuming society in which we live.

What are you pursuing that takes you away from “God time”? Maybe 2018 can be a fresh start for you by cutting out those things, people and passions that take up more time than spent with God. There is NOTHING WRONG with slowing down and letting the world pass by on its own. Your schedule should be on “eternal time”, so slow down, enjoy life and those around you….and most of all spend quality time with God every day, throughout the day and you will find blessings on the journey through life. God bless friend.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

There is a saying in Georgia, “If you don’t like the weather now, stick around cause it will change later today.” This is a true statement, especially from fall and winter and into spring. Morning times can be cold enough to turn on the heat, then by noon you switch over to air conditioning.  Just a few weeks ago it snowed 2 inches at 1 AM and by 1 PM the next day most of it had melted away. The weather is always changing in the South.  

Our life can be like the weather. At one moment everything is sunny skies and enjoying life, then out of nowhere things happen and conditions worsen by one simple phone call, text or conversation.   You do your best at times to trust in life’s goodness, but it and the people around you can be so unpredictable, changing like the weather. This can leave you in a roller coaster of emotions and unsure how your attitude should be for the day.

There is one you can always put your faith and trust in, Jesus Christ. As today’s verse says….He is the same yesterday, today and forever. As a child of God, His presence never leaves you to weather the storms of life alone. I can tell you in my life, He has been the foundation on which I stand, providing a constant supply of joy, peace and strength when everything around me is changing without reason.

You do your best to predict the day’s events, but things change for sure, leaving you to question your intellect. Trust Jesus instead and seek His wisdom and guidance as you navigate the roadway of life. When things change, you can be assured your internal spirit will weather whatever life throws at you. Trust in Jesus and life will be weather proof from the changes around you. God bless.   

Monday, December 25, 2017

And the heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord; Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints.

Psalm 89:5

One of the most exciting things about Christmas is the arrival of friends and family to your home to celebrate together. All day you prepare your home, bake food, and tidy up outside. You want your guest to feel welcome and loved.

The bible says when a person accepts Christ and becomes a child of God that the angels rejoice (Luke 15:10). Can you imagine how eager God and His angels are about your arrival into Heaven? Jesus has already prepared your mansion (John 14:3) and it awaits your arrival. Although you might not be ready to depart this life, you have the certainty of going there after your last breath. The welcome home will be out of this world!

This Christmas, take time to thank God for providing His Son Jesus Christ, who saved you and me from eternal separation from Him. Jesus bridged that gap and made a simple way for you to come home. As company arrives today, welcome Jesus into your home and conversation. He is the reason for this season of joy on Christmas day and every day of the year. Merry Christmas and God bless!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. Luke 2:1 & 4-7

Today, on Christmas Eve, you have the opportunity to travel to your local church and worship Jesus Christ, our Savior. Over 2,000 years ago Mary and Joseph traveled to be accounted for as citizens in Rome. Nine months pregnant, I’m sure the journey was difficult and they had every reason to stay put, yet they did what was important. Shortly after their arrival, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. What an amazing story, add one more citizen to Rome!

Are you going to be accounted for this morning in the House of God? He is looking for your attendance and you know it’s the right thing to do. Not out of necessity, but because of His love for you and hopefully your love for Him. Jesus Christ went the distance to save your soul, why not travel that short distance to church and give Him the respect and honor He so much deserves.

Be accounted for at church this Christmas eve. And who knows…if you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life, maybe you will receive Him today and add one more to Heaven’s citizenship! Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords….its just a short journey from where you are today, come worship Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

2 Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

For me, writing these daily blogs is a blessing. Each morning I pray to God, asking what He wants me to share with those who read them. He comes through with a verse and uses my fingers to type on the keyboard. It’s amazing to see Him work through my life. I am so blessed to be used by God.

But I’ll be completely open and honest. There are times in my life when I am on the wrong side of the line. Yes, I fail God at times and find myself behind enemy lines, far away from God; pursing my way, my passions and justified sins. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Some days I struggle just to catch a glimpse of God. Just being real.  Can you relate? If you are like me, you know the battle between right and wrong is real and the more you desire to follow the righteous way, the stronger and harder Satan works to distract and tempt you to veer off course.

Friend, I can tell you this for sure, God is everywhere with you, even when you are behind enemy lines. He knows where you are, He knows your struggles, He knows the influence Satan can have over your fleshly bodies. He still comes through and His mission will be accomplished. Listen to me folks….some of the most thought provoking blogs I have ever written, came at a time when I was furthest from God. His plan will never fail, even when I do. God can use you, even in times of personal failure. Don’t give up and don’t feel discouraged when you are behind enemy lines…God is with you and will help you get back on the right side when you surrender Your ways for His! Have a blessed and wonderful Saturday friends!   

Friday, December 22, 2017

Peace to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. Ephesians 6:23-24

Today’s passage was written by the Apostle Paul as he signed off at the end of Ephesians. When Christ was born, there was anything but peace. Joseph and Mary had to travel a long distance to get to Bethlehem and found no available hotels, so they accepted accommodations in a barn with farm animals. Even as a baby, Jesus life was threatened by King Herod, who wanted to take His life. When Herod was unable to find baby Jesus, he had all boys under age of 2 slaughtered. Fortunately, Angels spoke to Mary and Joseph and instructed them to leave the land. Although Christ spoke of peace, His life was full of opposition….no wonder He escaped the crowds so often to pray alone.

As we draw near to Christmas, you might have difficulty finding peace in your life. Things around you, painful circumstances, troubled relationships, loss of a loved one, financial worries….the list is endless. Because of these difficulties, you might find it hard to focus on Jesus birth. Friend, you are not alone. But one thing I can assure those of you who have accepted Christ, you have His Holy Spirit inside you. Only by His power, His strength, His wisdom and His loving grace, can you find an internal peace that nothing can touch. Follow Christ’s example and take time to get away from life and fall to your knees in prayer to God. Every morning I kneel down and pray; the peace that overtakes me can only be explained in one word…GOD!

God loves you and He knows your life is a struggle. His Son came to earth so you could find an internal peace like no other. Find Him through quiet times this Christmas weekend and throughout the year. His peace will provide you confidence to take the next step in life. Take a knee for Christ and find peace!

God bless!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11

Christmas is 4 days away and many are still busy buying Christmas presents for loved ones and friends. Believe me, I’ve been out there…it’s a retail feeding frenzy! Have you finished your shopping? Got everyone covered on your list? Did you remember to include Jesus on your shopping list? What? Oh yea, its Christmas and the celebration of His birth.

Over 2000 plus years ago, God’s Son, Jesus Christ, was born. God’s gift to mankind! A sacrificial lamb for the sins of everyone who believes in Him and accepts God’s free gift of salvation. And if you are saved, YOUR name is on HIS LIST, in the Book of Life. So, if you are on His list, don’t you think its time to put His name on your list?

What to give Jesus this year? Yourself! Renew your commitment to serving Him and share the simple message of Jesus Christ to those around you.

“Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 35For whoever wants to save their
life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will
save it.
” Mark 8:34-35

Pray something like this….”Dear Jesus, thank you for your great sacrifice for my soul. I love you Jesus and want to serve you this year. Help me to become less of me and more of YOU in my daily life. Lead me in the way ever lasting and give me the strength to turn from temptation and evil. This Christmas I give you me and my commitment to YOU in all areas of my life. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer. Happy birthday Jesus!”

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

“David was greatly distressed…But David found strength in the LORD his God” (1 Samuel 30 :6)

I had the opportunity yesterday to ride my motorcycle; the temps got up in the low 60s and was perfect with the proper clothing attire. Just me cruising down the road, enjoying the sights and smells of the countryside. At one point I looked up ahead and saw a chicken truck headed my way. You see in Georgia, there are many chicken farms and a big processing plant near the route I enjoy taking. Often times I will cross paths with a semi-truck/trailer loaded down with smelly chickens. When the truck passes by, all you can smell is the stench of those chickens, who have been in an enclosed building for their brief life. All you can do is hold on, take a deep breath and hold it for a while until the smell dissipates.

As Christians, we can oftentimes can see trouble ahead. I truly believe God’s Holy Spirit, living inside of us, gives us advance notice of these “life storms”. Its God’s way of saying…”get read,a big one is coming”. He does this not to scare us or put us in fear, but just the opposite, to lean on Him and seek His guidance. No battle was ever won without some planning and preparation. God equips His children with the tools, power and strength to sustain in those moments of trouble that come our way. Sometimes we will encounter storms that quickly develop, leaving us without a plan. Yet, God has a plan for each storm that He allows to come our way. He’s looking for us to quickly seek His guidance and not try to fight alone.

As you read this blog, you are either in a brief moment of calm, see a storm approaching or being rocked by a storm bigger than you. No matter where you, know that God wants to provide safe passage no matter what and is willing to extend His hand to guide you, strengthen you and carry you onto sunny skies. Trust Him always, stay in prayer continually and look for His hand working in your situation every time….seeing His work will encourage you and be a reminder for the next “big one” headed your way. Trust God today friend! Safe travels!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.” Immediately the fig tree withered away. Matthew 21:18 – 19

A few days ago I went to make a cup of coffee with my Keurig. I popped in the coffee pod and hit the brew button. I stood there and waited and waited and nothing happened. I reset everything and nothing came out. Needless to say, I was very disappointed in the machine for not doing what it was supposed to do. Almost ready to throw it out the door, I checked the water container and somehow I didn’t get it set properly in the machine, thus it couldn’t draw water to make my coffee. It was a close call for that Keurig! Back in business and I’m a happy camper now that I have coffee! If you are like me, don’t mess with my morning coffee!

Jesus had the same encounter with a fig tree. It was meant to bear fruit and when He came to get fruit, nothing; not a single fig, only leaves. It looked like a fig tree, it was a fig tree, but it wasn’t doing its job producing fruit. As Christians, if Jesus were to evaluate your life, would He find your life producing fruit in His name?

Jesus said it Himself……You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16. 

As a child of God, He gave you His Holy Spirit, who lives inside you. The seed of faith has been planted in your life, its up to YOU to grow it and produce spiritual fruit for the glory of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Galations 5:22. Take time today to reflect over your life and see if you are bearing these spiritual fruits. If you are like me, there are certain ones that need more watering, nurturing. Time to “weed out” those things in life that hinder the growth of certain characteristics.

God is counting on you to produce Spiritual fruit that will last. As a result, you will be a blessing to others and reflect the characteristics of Jesus Christ to those around you. Pray and ask Him to help you till your heart so you can grow what’s necessary for abundant life and produce fruit as you should. God bless!

Monday, December 18, 2017

“Remember this December, That love weighs more than gold”

Josephine Daskam Bacon, American writer (1876 – 1961

Ah, the count down til Christmas. We look over our list of gifts we plan to give… there enough for this child, will all the kids have an equal amount, did I get enough for mom and dad??? The list is endless and this final week before Christmas can be a parent’s worst nightmare…especially when a child comes up with a revised list and the gifts are already purchased. At some point you have to check yourself about Christmas… this about giving gifts or a time to celebrate the birth of Christ?

Satan loves taking the focus off Jesus and onto other things. Santa Clause and all those gifts….sadly that is what most people spend their holidays concerned tangible gifts. The best gift you can give is “love”. Love is the MAIN purpose of Jesus Christ coming into this world. He came to save us all through His unconditional love. Praise God He loves us without conditions or we would never have a chance of salvation. This final week leading up to Christmas should be less about shopping and more about preparing your heart, and those of your children and family members, to celebrate the birth of Christ.

The best gift is not found under the tree or in a stocking, its love! Share Christ love with everyone around you. It’s the gift that keeps on giving and will be remembered by those who have felt your touch of love.   Let this week be more about love than worrying about presents….it will put Christmas into the right perspective. God bless!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

One of my favorite sports is football. Each game is so unpredictable; leaving you in suspense the entire 4 quarters. When the score is close, that’s when everyone is on the edge of their seats…the sport I love! One thing always impresses me, is the team’s ability to work together. From the front-line blockers to the receivers who run far out and know exactly when to look for that ball, flying in the air, and catch it at just the right moment…surrounded by the opposing team. Everyone works together to advance the ball down the field. 

As Christians, we are like a football team. We have been blessed with specific talents and abilities. No one is the same, yet our mission is the same….serving Lord. The key to our success on the field, is knowing the play book, the bible. Without it’s guidance, we will make a wrong move or weaken the team by not working in sync with others. As Christians, we are accountable to God for our actions, thoughts and words. Unless we know what is in the playbook, we will simply be a player on the field with no sense of wisdom and oneness with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Do you know our quarterback, Jesus Christ? A successful team knows Him well and relies on Him to move us down the field with our help. Unless you are studied up, you will never know Him on the level you should. Start today by reading your bible and attending church to understand the team’s missions and daily plays that will keep your witness effective for Him. He is counting on you to be a successful team member and not just another player on the field. See ya in church! God bless

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Nothing I do,

I do alone.

Its God in me,

its me in God’s hands.

A surrendered spirit,

a tool used by God.

Nothing great inside me,

but greatness pours from my inner soul.

The voice of God,

His signature in my life.

A vessel once torn,

now mended for good.

See me not holy,

for He is whats holy in me.

I serve the Lord,

in all that I can.

God use me,

to be the purpose in your plan.

Nothing I do,

I do alone.  

From birth to death,

you had a purpose.

Separated from God,

still one in Him.

You came,

to bridge a gap.

No one worthy,

not a one.

A debt paid,

with a drop of blood.

Only you,

could do for those who couldn’t.

A spirit set free

to see the unseen.

To live a life

cleansed from sin.


I am.

I indeed,

am free.

From birth to death,

you gave me a purpose.  

Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

Romans 13:14

Habits: behaviors, thoughts and words that are wrong; unhealth for the body and mind; and are present on a frequent basis.  Maybe its smoking or drinking, cheating or stealing, use of profanity, gossip, even shopping..the list is endless. If it is bad and happens often, it’s a habit. Somewhere along the way, you have been able to justify the behavior, and now its part of your life. With the New Year approaching, maybe its time to shred that habit for good!

Today’s verse gives some advice on how to kick the bad habits. “make no provision for the flesh”.  If you want to eliminate a bad habit, you need to remove anything that keeps the habit alive. Change your driving route, so you don’t go past that liquor store every day, throw out the ash trays, lighters and those smokes….cold turkey is the best! Change friends…if you have a circle of friends who are like a “gossip router”…unplug from that connection. Changing the environment conducive for the negative behavior will help.

Secondly, “put on Christ”. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit will you be able to weed out habits from your spiritual garden. Most habits are seeds Satan has planted in your life. God can dig them up, all the way down to the root and remove it. Ask for His help and He will provide what’s necessary to keep you moving away from the negative behavior.

You have a choice to make. Follow God or the ways of the world. Habits are hard to break, but with God’s help you can clean up your life and grow something beautiful with His blessings. Make it a goal to kick the bad habits this new year and find your walk in the Lord full of blessings and victory over Satan!

God bless!

Friday, December 15, 2017

The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender's slave.

Proverbs 22:7

Credit or debit? That’s the question you hear at any check out line, especially leading up to the Christmas holidays. As you know, credit is borrowing money to be paid back later, where debit comes from a financial account that has money available to make full payment. We live in a society where credit funds many people’s lives. For those who live this way, monthly bills are a reality, consuming every dollar of the paycheck. Bondage is a good way to describe living life on credit. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as guilty. Its easy to justify……we need to buy presents for loved ones, I need this new vehicle, I deserve to treat myself…..the justifications are many……but……

At birth, each of us came into this world with a sin debt. Already in debited to the Lord, we had no possible means of paying it in full. But, Jesus Christ paid mankind’s debt through His sacrificial death on the cross and rose to life 3 days later. For those who accept the free gift of God (eternal life by accepting Jesus Christ into their life and walking with Him daily) the human sin debt is paid in full. From there on out, the child of God lives the rest of his life financed by a spiritual account that never runs dry and always pays for any sin debt incurred.

So, if we are set free from our eternal debt, why then become slaves to worldly debt? Honestly friend, there is no reason for it…just speaking truthfully. God never intended for you and myself, to live above our means. If we truly trust Him, He shall supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19). When we operate off credit, we go ahead of God….a lonely place to be and vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. Are you accumulating more things than what God has blessed you with in life? Maybe its time to come back to God and clear this chain binding debt so you can walk freely with Christ…just the way He meant for His children to live in this world…so we can freely give to the poor, support our local church mission and not stress over financial burdens.

As you cross into 2018, lets together make it a goal to pay off our debts and give to the Lord a share of what He has freely blessed us with to be used for His glory. He will richly bless you for your obedience in Him! God bless.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.

Colossians 2:19

The other day I was vacuuming my carpets. I was plugged in at the kitchen and going to other rooms in the house. All the sudden the vacuum cleaner cut off, then back on again. I walked in the kitchen to find the power cord had been partially pulled out, not giving me a true power connection.

Are you connected to Christ? As Christians, we sometimes venture into places, things and relationships that weaken our connection to God. When this happens, God is not visible to us. Yes, we remain a child of God, yet our power connection to Him is weak at best. Without a true connection, we are powerless to serve Him and vulnerable to satanic attack. Stretched too far and we will eventually lose all power.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33. Want to go places, explore new things, seek after a relationship? Seek after God, praying, asking for His will to be revealed to you. Staying close to God in all matters of life will ensure that power connection never comes lose or unplugs. If you go without talking to God on a daily basis, you are surely headed for power failure.  

Plug in to God through prayer, acknowledging Him in all areas of your life, attend church services to strengthen your faith and provide wisdom…all of these things will ensure you have the best connection possible. If you feel a power shortage, come back within range of God quickly. He will reconnect you to His power and loving grace!

Have a blessed day!


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day. Luke 17:24

So follow me with this…you are in downtown Atlanta, surrounded by many many people. All the sudden your weather alarm goes off on your phone, warning you that 2 large tornados are headed straight for your area. You know just one block over is a storm shelter and you will be safe there. As you proceed to the area of safety, you contemplate in your mind….should I warn these people around me? Certainly they heard my alarm go off. Certainly they will see me head for the storm shelter and know that’s what they need to do as the clouds are getting darker. What if I tell everyone, then there is a mad rush to the shelter and I can’t get in? These questions run through your mind…but you simply keep to yourself and find just a handful of people inside.

 As the tornado passes through town, you can hear the destruction all around you, the cries for help from those caught in the storm. Its an awful thing to experience, but you are safe.  Afterwards, you go outside to see the destruction and people injured, some dead. Feelings of guilt overwhelm your soul as you think about all the room you had in the shelter and none of these people followed you because they didn’t know the tornados were coming.

As Christians, we know there will be a day when Jesus returns to rapture up His children. This time is uncertain, but for sure it will occur. Are you warning others? Do you care that those around you know what Jesus did on the cross to save you? So often we think that our example should be enough to alert others. Friend, they don’t know the truth. Your lifestyle might look good to them, but its not the lifestyle that saves…its faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Only word of mouth will relay that message and save those from their pending doom on the day of judgement.

If you have accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you are saved. The next step is for you to share this message to those around you…to save them from an eternity in Hell. There is plenty of room in Heaven, do your part to share in the good news of Jesus Christ so on “that day” you won’t feel a heavy heart of guilt for not warning others. Go share Jesus with others today! God bless!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

Ever wonder when the negative circumstances of life will relent? When one day you will find smoothness  and calm waters all around you? Trust me friend…its wishful thinking. I have tried my best to create moments in time of drama free, stress free and conflict free living…and it doesn’t happen. If you are living life, no matter how isolated you are from others, there will be ripples in your life….health issues, financial troubles, relationship challenges and the routine things of each day. Trouble exists all around. That’s the bad news.

The good news is God! He created you not to conquer the world, but to live in the world with a strong dependence upon Him. As a child of God, He has a way of reining us in when we get too far off the chain. When we want to “disconnect” from life and those around us, He allows stormy seas to bring us to our knees, calling out for His help. Why does He do this? Because “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9. God knows what’s best for His children. When a Christian has “free reign” in this sinful world, he will be drawn to its lusts and sooner or later that person will be like a lost sheep, isolated from the herd and vulnerable to Satan’s attack.

Looking for a better day? Look to God for sustainment of life, no matter how difficult the challenges you face or the internal struggles you wish were gone, God has allowed them in your life to keep you connected to Him. The more you push back, the heavier the burdens you place on yourself. Think about it for a moment, then trust Him and thank Him for all He does in your life to carry you through another day. Your weakness strengthens His power in your life! Draw on His strength for another day! God bless!

Monday, December 11, 2017

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

As most of you might know, we had to put my 99 year old grandmother in a nursing home earlier this year. With some hip and leg issues, she is pretty much confined to a wheel chair most of the time. Unfortunately she has fallen in the past so she has alarms on her chair and bed. If she needs to get up, she has to notify the staff for their assistance. Its a very confining situation for her and has her feeling the blues of life.

When circumstances occur, that limit our mobility, we can feel depressed and almost ready to give up on life. Gods word (bible) has no reference to giving up on life. If you are breathing in oxygen, He has a purpose for your exitence. You may be so deep in self pity that you feel out of sight from God. But, He sees you where you are and wants to give you a hand to lift you up. Your role is to trust Him and continue to serve Him...even if its simply praying for others, sending a card of encouragement or taking time to dial up someone and let them know you care.

Where has God allowed you to be in life? Caring for a loved one and you feel all alone, are you confined to a bed or chair and feel a lose of purpose, or maybe you are in a difficult situation at work, with family or life in general. As long as God allows you to live, you are to serve Him in some capacity....even when you dont feel like it. When you struggle forward to do His will, He will bless you. He will strengthen you too if you simply pray, asking for His help. So often we get down on ourselves we dont open up to release our burdens to Him. Trust me friend, you were never meant to bear those burdens of the benefits of being a child of God.

Keep on, keeping on and He will sustain and bless your life. Serve Him today! God bless.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way ever lasting. Psalm 139:23-24

There have been some days when I faced something much bigger than myself. An issue at work, relationships, financial, spiritual or just the challenges of the day. For me, I tend to obsess over these situations; as a result i encounter much stress, sleepless nights, poor eating habits....leaving me unfit to make healthy choices. Its like I am adrift and not sure where to steer my life. Ever been there? The word "anxiety" is used quite often...but its truth when you have to continue down a path and not sure they way to go.

Friend, God knows everything about you. He designed you with certain abilities, strengths and even allowed you to have specific weaknesses just so you will lean on Him and trust in Him when life's challenges stand taller than yourself. God sees over the mountainious circumstances and He knows the way. As a child of God, He blessed you with His Holy Spirit which lives inside you. Through His Spirit, He prays on your behalf...."Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For when we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26

Are you groaning and feeling overwhelmed about your circumstances; not sure what to do or which way to journey? Take it up with God, asking for His help. Once you offered up your request, quiet your life, do not try to work it out in your head...but keep your heart open to His calling, keep your eyes open to His leading and stay in prayer. Friends and family want to offer advice, but the One to follow is your Creator...He knows you well and will lead you in the right direction. Trust Him in all matters of life and your anxiety level will decrease and your confidence will increase. Journey well my friend!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow.  Matthew 28.3

Well it happened, snow in Georgia. Something that rarely occurs in this part of the country, causes alot of worry and a quick dash to the store for groceries...bread and milk. Just as fast as it arrived, it departs as the sun warms up the ground and it melts into the soil. Enjoy it while ya got it!

I looked up "snow" in the bible and ran across this passage. This verse described an angel who was at the empty tomb of Jesus and announced that He had risen from the dead and is alive again. A rarely recorded sighting of an angel, but one treasured by those who encountered his presence....someone beautiful, and full of good news.

Before the snow melts away, step outside and stare at it for a moment and think about God's pureness in relation to that beautiful white snow. Something rarely seen, yet when it appears its a sight to behold. One day each child of God will behold our beautiful all His majesty, glory and honor. The troubles of this life will seem insignificant when compared to what God has instore for you in heaven. Take your focus off the worries and struggles and focus on God....His presence will be like the white of snow...something to behold. Praise Him today and everyday...He brings good news to those who seek after Him. God bless.

Friday, December 8, 2017

As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Psalm 103:12


Ever wake up in the morning and recap your actions from the previous day? You recall certain sins you committed and the weight of guilt is heavy upon you. Your day starts out feeling lowly, unworthy of anything good and in the back of your mind you expect God to hit you with some big disaster, punishing you for your sinfulness. Can you relate? I can tell you that most of those feelings of unworthiness comes from Satan whispering in your ear. Satan loves nothing more than making a child of God feel unworthy, unloved and expecting horrible things to happen to them as a result of their guilt.


Friend, Jesus didn’t come to punish us, He took our punishment upon Himself. Every slap in the face, cuts to His head from the crown of thorns, punches, kicks, flesh torn blows to His back…HE took on all of these things and the ultimate sacrifice of death on a cross just for you. As a child of God, you are forgiven. Yes, we should feel remorse and confess our sins, but only with the confidence in knowing that our sins are forgiven, as far as the east is from the west. To interpret east to west…..there is no ending…it’s a continuum into eternity. God gave us Jesus punishment and sacrifice so He could love each one of us. Jesus blood removed our sins from His sight.


It’s a daily struggle to walk in complete obedience in this sin stained world…no doubt. We should always keep our focus on God, turn from sin and follow the path less traveled. But when we have moments of weakness and fail to live up to God’s standards, don’t for one moment feel unworthy of God’s love. Come to Him with your confessions and just like taking a shower…washing away all those dirt stains and cleansed by the blood of Christ. He loves you and did what was necessary for you to come into His throne of grace. Walk in confidence today child of God, your sins are forgiven! God bless

Thursday, December 7, 2017

But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. Ephesians 5:13


Lighting, it’s perfect for lighting up those dark areas around the house…which in turn deters criminals from breaking into your home. I put up spot lights at the back of my house with motion sensors. So if someone comes around, it turns on. Pretty cool to have these around my house!


As Christians, we too should have Christ light shining in our lives. Satan hates the light of Christ and when Christ's light shines brightest, it deters Satan from coming around. Satan brings nothing but bad things into our lives. So how can we keep His light shining in our life? Prayer, pray for Godly protection over you and lean on His Spirit to prompt you when you are about to venture in dangerous territories, leaving you vulnerable to Satanic attack. Talking to God frequently throughout the day keeps His light visible and exposes the dark influences that surround you. Darkness flees from the light. Darkness can’t overcome light!


Got your spiritual lights on? If not, awaken the spirit inside you and shine Christ in and around you. It’s your best protection from bad things happening. Shine bright for Jesus and He will see you through another day! God bless!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good. And delight yourself in abundance.

Isaiah 55:2

Yesterday I was at the doctor’s office, when I noticed a sign hanging on a door that read…”Gone To Lunch”. Three o-clock in the afternoon and someone was taking their lunch break. Most likely was busy at work and finally had to step away from the business to grab a bite to eat. I can relate!

We get busy in life with family, church, work, hobbies and the routines of the day. Living single, I can tell you my nights go by so fast….before I know it, its time for bed. In the back of my mind I have a list of things I want to accomplish before bed. Needless to say, the list seems to grow even while I sleep!  Can you relate? As a child of God, we MUST always make time for the Lord. Nothing is more important than being fed by God. Jesus said it best….”I am the living bread that came out of heaven; if anyone eats this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh”. John 6:51

Are you getting enough spiritual nourishment? A good indicator is your spiritual health. The old saying is true…”you are what you eat”. If you display character traits that don’t resemble Christ, maybe you are feeding on the wrong things in life. If you want to be blessed by God, tough decisions must be made to trade in those earthly fast food passions and exchange them for some wholesome wisdom found in the bible, praying to God day and night, and feeding others the good things of Christ!

Got time for lunch? Make time for God too, each and every day and you will find nuggets of wisdom and a Godly lifestyle, fit for a healthy and hungry child of God! Make time for God today!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Proverbs 8:13

Hate, it's such a strong word and is often used to describe things we dont care for, people we dont want to be around and occurs as the result of being hurt in a very painful way. Are there people in your life you hate? God commands us not to hate people, but to love. That is accomplished by God's strength to help us forgive those who come against us and have done evil things.

One thing God does give us the freedom to hate, and that is evil. Sinful thoughts, words spoken and negative behaviors that represent evil should be far removed from our life as a child of God. We should avoid sinful living, as we would with anything we know to be painful. You see, when we sin, we grieve and pain the Holy Spirit living inside of us. As we enter into a sinful behaviors, His spirit mourns...grieving God.

Are you grieving God today by behaviors, thoughts and words unbecoming of a Christian? If so, turn from it immediately before it controls your mind. Surrounding self in sinful ways and people is place for God's Holy Presence. When you avoid evil at all cost, your light shines a little brighter and God brings blessings that are of more value than any worldly pleasure can offer. Check yourself today to see how far you are willing to go to avoid evil. Ask God to clean you from the inside out and start a new day walking in the way of the Lord.  Have a blessed day!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth. Colossians 3:2

As most of you know, I have a passion for riding motorcycles. The fresh air and open roadways dissolve any stress I've accumulated during the day or week. When riding, safety is paramount! One thing I learned early in my riding years.....where your eyes go, so will your bike. If i look off to the right or left, i slowly veer in that direction. After a few close calls and I've learned there is nothing worth looking at that might cause me to run off the road and possibly get injured. It takes a lot of disclipline, but over time it becomes routine...eyes focussed on the road at all times.

You should apply this same concept as you journey through life. Satan does an excellent job enticing you to take your eyes off Jesus and onto worldly things that can cause a spiritual accident...leaving you far from God, heartbroken, ashamed, financially burdened..the list is endless. Temptation to sin is his greatest gimmick for spiritual distraction. He is so smooth and can easily convince you that an act of sin is ok, merging into a relationship with the wrong person justifable, and buying something bigger than your bank account well deserve buy it, says satan. Ive battled these and other spiritual distractions....the spiritual road rash of an accident can last a long time and leave the heart scarred for life.

As you head out today, where are your eyes focussed? On God or are you looking to worldly pleasures and enticing temptations that you know are so dangerous for yourself and your relationship with Jesus? Focus straight ahead on Jesus....His pathway is narrow, yet very safe for those who make it a priority to follow on a daily basis. Trust me friend, everyone else around you might be looking in other places...but i guarantee you, they are headed for trouble. Stay the course no matter what and find security and safety with eyes focussed on your Savior.                                   God bless!