Saturday, May 26, 2018

they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their
29He stilled the storm to a
whisper; the waves
the sea were hushed.
were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.
31Let them give thanks to the LORD
for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.
Psalm 107:28-31

I have this weather tool called a barometer. It measures the air pressure. When the pressure drops, you can expect stormy conditions. When the air pressure rises, sunny skies should prevail. I just checked it and the pressure is low right now, and the past few days have proven its accuracy as we’ve had rain and storms pass through. From now until Wednesday we can expect more and even worsening conditions as a tropical storm will arrive here around Monday-Tuesday bringing a lot of rain and wind. I expect the barometer is going to drop even more. It’s a useful tool for us weather enthusiast.

It would be great if we could tell when our next life storm is headed our direction. Unfortunately, it all begins with some bad news, an accident or things get out of kilter in our life. When those storms hit, what is your response? For many, people try to ride them out on their own. Some rely on friends to help support and comfort them. And for a few, running away from the situation seems to be their best defense. All of these might sound good, but the truth is, the situation never seems to dissipate.

I can tell you with certainty, when you call out to God for His help, He responds and hushes the storm, settles your spirit and shields you from its effects. God can change the storm’s intensity, while others can only hold your hand as you endure awful conditions. I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna call on God for help. He has the ability to work that situation out that eventually benefits you.

Maybe today you are going through some storms in life. Troubled marriage, financial burdens, health crises, or things are just chaotic right now. Call upon God to help still the storm to a whisper. It may not totally go away, but it will lessen its intensity and He will shield you through it and bring you good tidings on the other side of the storm. Trust me, I know it works. Let Him have your storm today. God bless!

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