Friday, May 11, 2018

My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Proverbs 4:20


As a child growing up, I often heard the words “do you hear me?” exclaimed while I was being corrected. Those four simple words reinforced what I was being told. And, of course I heard it loud and clear and knew if I disobeyed, the consequences would be painful.


As Christians, we should always heed that inner voice, The Holy Spirit, talking directly to us. His words come straight from God, and the bible, in clear form. When God speaks, there is NO confusion. And what He says, is solid, wise and for your benefit. You can trust that voice that says “NO” or “YES” or a word we often hate to hear….”WAIT”.  I don’t know about you, but I’ll take a NO over WAIT any day of the week. I can be so impatient.


What is God saying to you today through His Holy Spirit? Listen closely for His voice. Sometimes the drama and clutter of life is louder than His voice. And He speaks softly for a reason, so you will turn away from everything else and focus on what He is trying to say. So, if you want to hear His voice, block out everything for a while and pray. I promise you, if you make time for God, He will speak so much wisdom into your ears you’ll wonder why you ever allowed outside influences to overwhelm His voice. He is watching out for you and your best interest! Are you listening?  

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