Saturday, May 19, 2018

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

This morning I was praying for a person in a very difficult situation. As I prayed for the situation to improve, in the back of my mind I was thinking there was no way things could get better, but actually worse. Then God laid this verse on my mind as a reminder, He can fix whatever troubles we have.

So often people ask, “so why doesn’t God fix this?” That’s a good question and I have one question to ask you….”how strong is your faith and trust in the Lord?” In Matthew 17: 14 – 21 we read about a man who brought his sick son to the disciples, asking for them to heal him in Jesus name. They couldn’t do it. Eventually Jesus healed the boy and he was released from the demon that lived inside him. When asked by the disciples why they couldn’t heal him, Jesus responded in verse 20: Because of your unbelief, for assuredly, I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Maybe today you are in a marriage that is described as Hell and there seems to be no way to improve your conditions. Friend, I know of a woman who prayed her husband would go to church with her. For years she prayed and finally one day he went. After that day everything in his life changed and he began serving the Lord. His witness changed many lives all because of that diligent wife who never stopped praying and trusting God to work a miracle.

Maybe your doctor just closed your file and looked at you and said “we’ve done all we can do, there is nothing else that can be done”, leaving you with no hope for tomorrow. Friend, I know of several people dying with cancer and God completely removed it from them and they are living life today, completely healed, because of their faith in God and His healing power.

Whatever your circumstance, you can’t do it by yourself. But with a strong faith and trust in the Lord, He can fix your situation according to His will. The closer you draw to God, the more real He becomes in your life and He leads you down the path He’s chosen for you. Trust in Him with every matter of life and never doubt what He can do. Trust me friend, He can do the impossible. Trust Him today! God bless!

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