Sunday, May 20, 2018

But he who listens to Me shall live securely and will be at ease from the dread of evil. Proverbs 1:33

Well, it finally happened, the royal wedding. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle came together in marriage yesterday as millions watched all across the world. I’m simply amazed at the audiences and their passion for a fairy tale wedding. But not everything has been a fairy tale for Harry and Meghan. For a period of time they have been front and center of a media frenzy. So many people were against this union, from both sides of the family as royalty joins the common people. I watched a movie about their struggles, and it was a struggle indeed. Far more drama than what I would have put up with.

So what kept them together? Their love and commitment to each other. They could have easily listened to their family’s discouragement, the media’s predictions for failure and the dread of having their personal life advertised all across the world. It would have been enough for most to run and hide. But, they didn’t. They listened to each other and their love is the bond that held them together.

The question for you today, whose voice are you listening to? Sadly, there are people in our life who want to see us fail and bring about misery to our life. If you listen to their critical words and negative thinking, you will succumb to their intent to belittle you and destroy you emotionally, spiritually, even physically. Don’t listen to them.

Listen to God. He is a God of love and wants you to succeed. In a perfect world we wouldn’t have those negative nannies that try to keep us down. But, God allows their existence and through the challenges they bring to you, it makes you turn to the Lord for comfort, strength, healing and resurrection of the winning spirit Christ gave you! Listen to the voice of God always and the evilness of this world will quickly dissolve into nothing but a little nugget you simply walk over as you step forward into better days. Listen to God today, He is the voice of reason and eternal happiness! God bless!

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