Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. Hebrews 3:15

A few days ago, I was on a motorcycle ride and stopped at a gas station for fuel. As I was about to get on my bike, a man walked up and started asking me questions about my bike. At the time I had just put in my iPod headphones and had the music up, so I had to pull them off to hear the man. Frustrating, because I was all set to take off, he delayed me by 15 minutes talking gibberish.

As children of God, we know that His Holy Spirit lives inside of us. Its an internal voice that can be heard and felt at any time. Its not a loud voice, but its there, and if you keep your mind focused on Christ, you can always hear the Spirit talking. Its when you take your focus off Him, you begin to hear Satan and the world talking gibberish to you. Talking you into doing things dangerous, outside of God’s will for your life. If you listen long enough, you’ll find yourself headed for dangerous waters and could drown in your sins.

Whose voice are you listening to these days? If you take those ear buds of Christ out, you’ll hear things you don’t need to hear, and find trouble. Keep your focus on Christ constantly, keep the outside world blocked out as much as possible, so you can hear the voice of reason, the voice who loves you and wants to bless you for your continual obedience. Listen for His voice and do not harden your hearts. God bless!

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