Sunday, May 13, 2018

But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. 1 Thessalonians 2:7

In today’s verse, Paul describes his ministry as gentle, in comparison to a mother loving her children. That is exactly God’s approach towards mankind. He loves each of us and wants His creation to acknowledge Him, love Him and spend eternity with Him through the sacrifice and love of Jesus Christ. What an honor to have this kind of love compared to that of a mother’s love.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. Your love is like God’s love. Always giving up your time and energy, always helping your child ease their pain, and those affectionate hugs and kisses do more for a child than anything else you could ever speak or do. Moms, you are an extension of God’s love and we thank you for displaying the love we need.

Without a mother’s love, a child would not learn to love others, forgive others and know unconditional love. Moms, you have a huge responsibility, and hopefully there is a helpmate there, by your side, loving and supporting you. Moms can’t do it on their own, they need support, as well as the children need a father who sees that love bond between mother and father. If you are a husband, love your wife, care for her and support her. God gave her a huge responsibility and its up to you to help her.

I can say that I have been blessed with an awesome mother. I was adopted by her and my father, many years ago. 😊 Mom has ALWAYS been there to love me, support me and give me sound advice. Not one time has she ever failed me as a mom. I will never forget when I went through a difficult time, she mailed me a card every week for months, providing me love, wisdom and knowing she was praying for me. That single act of love once again confirms her Christ like love for me, her son. Thank you mom, and all those moms who do it right! You’ve got a huge role, but with God’s help and those He has blessed you with, you can do it! Happy Mother’s Day and God bless!

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