Sunday, May 6, 2018

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:6

Do you think God really cares about how you live your life? I can tell you He does. As a child of God, you are His representative to the world. How you conduct yourself through actions, words and your motives display the condition of your heart. If your heart is full of the “world”, worldly ways (or the flesh) will come out. But if you are in tune with God and focus on living in obedience, without wavering, the true character of Christ will show the world what it needs to see.

The truth is, when we strive for obedience, God sees our motives and helps us walk that straight and narrow pathway. When we allow detours for obedience, we move away from God’s hand of protection, and things can get pretty disastrous from the point of diversion. I can tell you first hand, God blesses obedience. When I’m truly walking within His will, blessings abound, even in the middle of life’s challenging moments. But, when I veer off course, just a bit, I miss some blessings that could have been beneficial at that moment or down the road in time.

You truly reap what you sow. If you want to reap a plentiful harvest of blessings, then walk the line God has clearly laid out for you. God’s word is the best source for living in obedience. It may be counter to how you are living today, that’s ok. God’s blessings are for those who desire to please Him and not the world and those who occupy it. Sow Christ through your actions, words and motives, and life will be full of sweet blessings every day! God bless!

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