Monday, May 14, 2018

I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake. 1 John 2:12

Have you ever offended someone, asked for their forgiveness and never received it? The guilt of your actions and lack of their forgiveness can weigh you down. Sleepless nights, fear of running into them, the continued shame that you feel as a result of your trespasses against; these and other feelings will haunt you until you hear them say “I forgive you”.

Friend, I can assure you of one thing, you are forgiven. If you’ve asked for their forgiveness and God’s, He will hold up His end of the deal and forgive you. We serve an audience of ONE. God is the one we always want to be in good graces with every day. People will be human, sometimes people chose to hold onto grudges, just so they can taunt you and hurt you emotionally. That said, they have bigger issues than you can help overcome.

Carrying around some personal guilt for what you’ve done to another? Ask for their forgiveness, ask God to forgive you and pray for that person. It might take days, weeks, even years to hear them say, “forgiven”. Just know your trespasses are covered by the blood of Christ…”And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins…..1 John 2:2. Find forgiveness in Jesus Christ and walk freely today! God bless!

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