Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.  1 Peter 5:6-7

One of the most comforting things for me is knowing God cares. He cares about every aspect of my life, from the daily decisions I make, the progress I make at work, taking care of my home and things He has blessed me with, the friends in my life. He cares because I have surrendered everything to Him. Although I work and pay for the stuff I have, its all His and I thank Him daily for blessing me with the necessities of life.

He cares about you too! He should, He created you! Think about that for a moment. The God of this universe created you with a plan and purpose. When you align your life with His plan, things go much smoother. Unfortunately, we often get off track by pursuing things, people and pleasures that aren’t part of His plan. They can become a stumbling block to our faith and mess up His perfect plan for our life, not to mention missed blessings.

Pride is the number one thing that gets in the way of pursuing the right plan, the right way for our life. We think we know what’s best and somehow turn a deaf ear when God calls us back to that narrow pathway. Here recently God has called me to make some changes in my life to get me back where I need to be. Maybe He is doing the same for you, are you listening? The ONLY way to keep to His plan is to humble yourself to His ways, His thoughts and His desire to grow and bless you.

If you want to be on the right path, come to God with a humble heart and be prepared to take action to pursue His ways and plan for your life. Trust me, His ways are perfect and will benefit you down the road. At times you might not understand why He is calling you to a certain action, just TRUST HIM completely and leave the consequences of your obedience up to Him. He will bless you! Have an awesome day in the Lord!

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