Monday, May 7, 2018

Better is a little with righteousness, than vast revenues without justice. Proverbs 16:8

Have you ever debated doing something you knew was wrong? Your lust for something: a person, a thing, or a behavior… As you think about it, you are asking yourself “what will this cost me?”. You know if you pursue it, most likely something negative will happen…heart break, spiritual weakening, emotional or physical injury to others, maybe something illegal which could end up in your arrest. Although it may sound absurd, many people debate the issue of doing right or wrong every day. Why not always do the right thing….makes sense…but our human, fleshly bodies tell us otherwise. Can you relate??

So, what’s the cost of doing right or wrong? I like to compare this to use of a debit card or credit card. As a child of God, your sins are forgiven. But, when you chose to pursue something outside God’s will, you put your sin on credit with God’s grace. Just like a credit card, there will be interest added on your purchase to sin. It will cost you either immediately or down the road by missed blessings, hurting others or yourself. Its like you pay for it twice. Over time your debt is so heavy, it weighs down your spiritual life and you become ineffective in your Christian witness. Who wants that? Sadly, many chose the path of disobedience and it cost them much.

On the other hand, obedience doesn’t cost you a thing, its already paid for by Christ. When you walk the fine line or righteousness, you might not gain much, but you wont lose out on God’s blessings. And I’ll take one of God’s little blessings over anything big this world has to offer. I hope you feel the same way. Let me share a verse with you that I often refer to when I stand at the decision point of choosing to do right or wrong.

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

As you face daily decisions, chose to always do the right thing, remaining obedient to God. Your day will be sprinkled with God’s blessings which nourish, strengthen and give you hope! Chose obedience today! God bless!

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