Wednesday, May 16, 2018

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

Yesterday I helped my son move into his new home in the Atlanta area. While riding through the local traffic, I was impressed that my son navigated down streets like a champ. I was totally in the dark as to where we were and where we were going. Then I noticed he had everything mapped out on his phone’s navigation system. That little device guided him to every destination without any difficulties. Thank goodness for technology!

As Christians, we have a similar device to help us navigate life, its called the bible. Over the years of my life, and I have a few of them under my belt, I have found that the bible addresses all issues you’ll face. Many times I’ve headed into unfamiliar territory and referred to the bible for guidance and direction. It has never steered me down the wrong path and has always gotten me through some challenging moments unscathed spiritually, emotionally and even physically.

Why does the bible work so well, because it’s the inspired word of God. Who better to lean on than God in troubling times, in moments when we head into unfamiliar territory and those travels that has found us at a dead end and no clear direction in sight. Plug yourself into the word of God daily and find direction, purpose and safety. And the coolest thing about the bible, it never needs updating! Go find your day’s direction by reading His word, its proven to be the most valuable and beneficial tool you have to navigate this thing we call life! God bless!

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