Friday, May 18, 2018

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

Navigating life can be challenging. Circumstances, other people, your job, church, family members….so many things can influence your life and the decisions that have to be made. Not sure about you, but between my job and personal life, its everything I can do to maintain a healthy balance. Sometimes I’m faced with a crisis and have no clue which direction to take. What do you do when this happens?

For me, I seek God’s wisdom and direction. Every morning I pray, asking for God to give me wisdom for the day’s events. At work, it seems like I am making decisions by the minute at times. Decisions that impact me and those around me, as well as the public. I don’t know everything and Lord knows I don’t always have the right answer. But when I ask for God’s help, He provides me soundness and quiets my soul so I can think through the challenge at hand and make the best decision possible.

What challenges are facing you today? Might be work related or something in your personal life. As a child of God, He loves you and wants to give you the best advice so you won’t be burdened by poor decisions. Trust me when I say He gives wisdom liberally! Its free for the taking, just ask God and He will show you the way forward. Seek Him for wisdom every day and life will be a little smoother and less painful when those tough moments hit! God bless!

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