Saturday, May 12, 2018

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

When was the last time you were pained? Maybe the break up of a relationship, deceived by someone close to you, difficulty at the work place. There are so many things that can go wrong in life and it greatly impacts us emotionally, spiritually even physically. The pain and hurt can carry on for days, weeks, even years for some people.  Just last night I was overwhelmed for a moment by a painful memory in my past.

Where can we look to for hope, healing and a brighter tomorrow? Jesus Christ. Friend, He bore every transgression, painful moment and shameful event in your life on that cross. He knows what pain is, and He has a remedy for those boo boos in life. His love, His grace and the power of His healing touch can turn the most painful thing into something new, something better, something very special.

You probably have a memory bank of painful moments. Maybe even now you are experiencing much pain and emotional turmoil. Bury it in God’s graveyard of sorrow and suffering. He will resurrect you from everything that has tattered your soul. Trust me, He is the healer and He will restore you back to good if you simply give those painful moments over to Him. You weren’t meant to carry the burden of pain and suffering…He took it for you. Have a blessed day friend!

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