Thursday, May 17, 2018

….I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will. Acts 13:22b

I was reading a story in the bible about a man who had an affair with a married woman; even placed her husband in danger and was killed, just so he could have her to himself. If this was today’s headline, we’d think what a mess this guy made of his life and horrible for those affected by his poor choice. Yet God said, this guy named David, was a man after His heart. No, God did not approve of David’s poor decisions, and He forgave him. Yet, David did acknowledge God and worked at keeping his heart devoted to the Lord. David had a strong faith and trust in God. He loved God and God loved him.

Unless you are completely perfect, I’m sure you have reflected back over your life and looked upon those shameful moments when you were at your worst. You know God was not pleased with your behavior and you probably fear He is punishing you today as a result of your poor choices. Put your fears to rest. God is in the business of forgiving and forgetting. Any child of God pent up from past sins has forgotten the reason Christ came to earth…to take on the sins of mankind. All we have to do is acknowledge our sins and ask God to forgive us. Done deal after that. Then turn from your wicked ways and keep God front and center.  

Do some of your worst moments in life seem to come back up in your mind? Fear of not being forgiven is Satan’s tool of keeping the child of God bound up and less effective. Trust me when I say, give your sins to God and let Him restore you from the inside out. It may take a while to recover from one bad decision but know that God is always there by your side to help in the recovery process. He loves you and wants you to love Him, just like David. No one is perfect, we all mess up at times, but God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.         1 John 1:9

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