Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Man is like a breath; His days are like a passing shadow. Psalm 144:4

With much certainty, we are all going to die. That appointed time is unknown for just about everyone. In the big scheme of things, life is very brief. Although we can accumulate 60, 70, heck even 90 plus years of life, its simply a speck in time.

Although your time is short, what are you doing with your life? Is it a crazy mess right now? Maybe you are young and just getting started or accumulated a few years and you are closer to the end than the beginning. There is no better time than NOW to start living life the right way. Living for God and maintaining His standards as your compass, you will find life more meaningful, with purpose and pick up some blessings along life’s journey. Every second you take your eye off that compass is one moment in time when you can simply veer off course and cause a wreck of your life and the effects can last for a very long long time. I can speak truth to this fact.

Find your spiritual compass today so you can stay on track and better manage your life. Life is too short for complications and drama, you need to stick to a plan and find purpose by living God’s way today! God bless!

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