Sunday, December 23, 2018

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

The other day I was riding through the Walmart parking lot and saw one of the dirtiest vehicles ever. This Suburban had two broken out windows and covered in mud from front to back. My first thought….well we wont go there. But, as I rode behind the vehicle I noticed something written in the dirt on the car…..”I love you”.

Yep you guessed it, God started talking to me. As humans we are born into sin. There is no way around it. We might be the cleanest person on the outside, but our inside is an abomination to God. As we live each day our lives are riddled with sin and trespasses that make it impossible for God to look at us. And that my friend is exactly why God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to make payment for the sins of mankind. Jesus took on sin with His body and died for all of your trespasses and mine! And the beautiful thing in His death, He arose from the dead, clean and ready to clean the hearts of mankind!

Where is your relationship with the Lord? Maybe you don’t feel worthy of God’s love. Your life has been nothing but religious and you’ve lived a selfish life that you wouldn’t want to share with God. Trust me friend, the broken windows of your heart and the filthy life you’ve lived can be inscribed with His simple words…I love you! He died for you because He LOVES you, no matter how dirty your life has been. There is no better time than this minute to accept His love by asking Jesus to come into your heart, forgive you of your sins and know that from this moment forward your eternal destination will be Heaven!

As we approach the celebration of Christmas, lets remember its because of His love for us. Jesus is the reason for the season. Come clean through His love today! God bless!

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