Friday, December 14, 2018

He who guards his mouth preserves life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction. Proverbs 12:3

In the movie Hunt for Red October, An American submarine encountered a Russian submarine. The Russian sub and its crew desired to defect to the United States. To let the American sub captain know they meant no harm, they kept their missile tube doors closed, meaning they were not going to fire upon the American sub. It was a brave act, but in the end the Americans were able to help the Russians get safely to US soil.

Today’s scripture talks about the mouth and its destructive powers. It can be used in the form of gossip, negative talk and speaking words unbecoming a child of God. But the only way it damages others is by opening it wide. So many people have been cut down by people’s ugly words and lies told that bring destruction to a person’s character.

God never intended for a child of God to destroy others by the use of words. Today is a good day to check and see if the door to your mouth is closed or wide open, ready to cause destruction of others. Honestly, it’s a battle for many of us, including myself. Why not take the high road today and keep those lips closed? Only speak when you have something positive to say, to encourage others or speak peace in the battles you face. Trust me, your life will reflect better on those around you by speaking only things that benefit and not destroy. God bless!   

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