Saturday, December 22, 2018

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9

Have you ever heard the old saying…”Whose calling the shots?” I recall years ago this statement being said frequently, it means who is making the decisions around here. Today’s passage references the heart and that’s what I want to focus on this morning in today’s blog. Whose calling the shots in your life, your head or your heart?

The brain is a powerful thing God has given us. It retains information from life and hopefully gains wisdom along the way to aid us in making wise and logical decisions. The brain controls every organ in the human body, including the heart. You could say the brain controls everything in our life. But, for so many (me included) our decisions are sometimes influenced by our heart and not the wisdom of our brain. Our heart feels and is moved by the moment of emotions, temptations and energy. Left to our heart, we will do things that are normally outside our character or what seems wise.

What decisions in life face you today? They might involve relationships, financial issues, employment opportunities…the list is endless. I strongly recommend you consult your head and not your heart. Your heart has no wisdom and can easily be swayed in a certain direction, meanwhile your brain is telling you NO! Listen to your brain and follow it’s wisdom. Its purpose is to guide you, along with God’s help, to keep you on the right path and to avoid difficult situations. The main purpose of the heart is to sustain life, don’t ask it to do anything more than its purpose. Trust your brain and rely on it’s years of wisdom as you navigate this thing we call life! God bless!

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