Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26

Over the years of my life I’ve come to realize one thing. We all have a dark side. That area of our mind that we want to avoid because we know there is nothing good entertained in that portion of the brain. We try our best to do good in life, yet it stays in the background, calling out for us to open the door to darkness.

With that said, its important to choose our friends wisely. No one is perfect by any means, but we must build relationships with people who truly have a heart for the Lord and are grounded in His truth. The key to finding the right friends is through prayer and examining people’s lives; looking for the light of Christ in their life through their words, actions and beliefs. One wrong friend can open that door to darkness and your journey with the Lord becomes hindered and fear steps in and gridlocks your life. No one wants that!

How’s your friend’s list? Do they encourage you to do better in life, or do you find their presence makes it easy for the dark side to come out? Pray diligently for God to put the right people in your life so you can keep the door to darkness closed and experience the blessings of God through the right friends! God bless!

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