Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Listen to advice
and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.
are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 20: 19-21

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I was able to go visit my family. My mom is a lover of birds and has a variety of feeders for birds and squirrels. As I watched the birds, I noticed one thing. When the larger birds sensed danger or something approached them, they’d fly off first. In doing so, they alerted the smaller birds to flee from their feeding frenzy.

As we navigate life, we should always listen to what our friends and family members say to us. Their advice is important and its up to each person to interpret and decide what to do with the information provided. Some heed their warnings and take action to avoid disaster, while others simply brush off the advice and keep on marching towards danger. 

Sometimes we are like those little birds. Its cold and we want to eat on what’s feeding us, keeping us warm, and happy….meanwhile others are saying fly away! Listen to your friends and family. They love you and wouldn’t be offering advice if they didn’t care about your well-being. A lesson well learned!

Thank you Lord for friends and family members who care and have the courage to speak up when prompted! Listen to them friend and heed their advice. And truth be known, that advice might just be coming straight from God Himself thru the messenger of truth! God bless!

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