Thursday, December 6, 2018

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

In the movie Apollo 13, three astronauts are traveling back to earth in a crippled spacecraft. Because of limited battery power they had to shut off their computer system to save energy for re-entry. During one scene they had to hit the thrusters to excel them into space, getting them home quicker. Without any electrical navigation they had to steer the vessel manually towards earth by peering thru a small window and keeping earth in their view. It was a tricky move, but it worked.

As you navigate life there will be times when chaos abounds and you just want to shut down. Problem is, life doesn’t stop, along with its troubles. Without much energy to navigate life, you need to keep your focus on one thing (and it’s not your problems). Focus on God. Always keep Him in your view and never waiver from your commitment to seek after Him as you speed through life.

When you keep your focus on Him, all of life’s trials and tribulations seem to diminish their impact and God blesses you with a vision to see your way through it all. Keep Him in your view and you will get through this day with hope and blessings! God bless!

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