Friday, December 28, 2018

If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Matthew 10:14

As 2018 comes to a close, many people are looking forward to the new year and what 2019 has in store. The beginning of the new year is a fresh start for so many desiring a better life and more blessings. But truth be known by the end of January, most seeking a change will be right back in the same slump. As humans we are creatures of nature. We don’t change too easily and find it almost automatic to live within the patterns of life we’ve been accustomed.

Change happens when you change your surroundings, the people and things that occupy your space. If you are truly seeking a change, it might be necessary to cut loose those things and people that are toxic to your life or hold you back from make those important changes. Yes, there will be some sadness in the loss and you will find yourself in a new and unfamiliar territory, possibly all alone, but trust me, the change for better will be worth it. So, kick off the dust from the past so you can walk cleanly into the new year!

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