Monday, December 10, 2018

The big question in a “relationship”, do you love one another? Couples all seek after that four-letter word. It represents a higher level of trust, care and respect. Defining it can be a bit complicated because everyone has varying opinions about what love is. Someone may love their partner so deeply, but have difficulty showing it, leaving that partner to really question their words.

Jesus Christ pretty much defined love in one simple verse…”If you love me, keep my commandments”. Love is a verb, its action, its following Jesus Christ’s instructions closely and living by His standard of living. His standard is much different than that of the world and may seem unattainable. But I can assure you, if you truly love Him and your commitment to follow Him anywhere and everywhere, then the steps of faith will develop in you a passionate love for the Lord like with no one else on earth.

How much do you love the Lord? Have you put other things or people in front of your commitment to serve Him, obey Him and trust in His word and follow it closely without shame or regret? Matthew 11:30 says…”For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” When you have a personal relationship with the Lord, He partners with you through life, carrying your burdens, encouraging you to take the next step of faith as you plow through life. The outcome of your obedience is providing nourishing fruit for those you come in contact with each day.

Loving the Lord is an action. Its following His commands closely and remaining faithful when everyone else has abandoned ship. Show your love for Him today in your commitment to walk side by side with Him in complete obedience. He will bless you every step of the way! God bless!

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