Wednesday, December 19, 2018

So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

Yesterday the temperature warmed up to near 60, so I decided to fire up the Harley and go for a ride. 60 degrees isn’t too bad for riding, but you do have to layer up with leathers to protect yourself from the wind and cold. As I was moving down the road, I could feel little parts of me getting cool, but thankfully the winter weather gear did a good job overall protecting me. I thought to myself in just a few short months I won’t have to wear any of these thick clothes and will be looking for some relief from the heat. It’s Georgia weather at its best!

As I pondered the hot and cold riding, this verse came to mind last night. As a Christian it can be difficult trying to maintain a consistent lifestyle pleasing to the Lord. Yes, we are covered by His grace for forgiveness of sins, but we still want to do our best for Him. This world makes it easy to fall into a sinful habits. We must dress for the conditions at hand:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1. In our spiritual journey, when the heat is on and we are burdened by the weight of the world, we need to throw off anything and anyone that hinders our walk with the Lord. I’ve learned that a lot here lately and I need to continue doing so. The things of this world can weigh heavy on a child of the King. Although worldly things might be nice, they aren’t meant for you to live for, you are to live for Him, Jesus Christ. He is the reason for your journey. So, throw off the worldly things when the heat is on so you won’t be weighted down for the journey.

Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12 Sometimes our journey will seem cold, dark and dreary. Maybe you’ve headed down a road that looks good, only to find it turn to dirt and full of big potholes. You are out there all alone and you can feel the Devil’s presence all around you. Time to leather up and put on the armor of light. When you dress yourself for battle, you are showing God you are ready to win the battle you are struggling thru. Honestly, the battle is the Lords. You might think you are dressed for success, but its God who has won and will continue to win your battles when you show Him your commitment to stay in the fight! So, when you are feeling cold and lonely, put on the armor of His light so you can see your way out of the darkness and back on the main road of life.

The spiritual journey is just that, a journey. If you are going to stay consistent in your walk with the Lord, you MUST dress for the conditions of life. When you do, your journey will be more comfortable and enjoyable as you seek out new adventures. God bless!

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