Saturday, December 29, 2018

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Yesterday I spoke about the need to make changes in your life if you want to see a change in 2019. One of the greatest obstacles to change is our fears. Fears of the unknown, will we be able to change, what if we fail, will we be alone…these are just a few fears that face us when we desire to make changes in our life.

Today’s scripture is a good reminder that we serve a God who is powerful, full of love for His children and has the ability to lead you in a way that keeps you aligned on the right path of life. Trusting in His care is essential to take the first step to change aspects in your life that need to be changed for the better.

What stands in the way of positive changes in your life? Take those fears to God, through prayer, and seek out His wisdom and voice of direction as you change your landscape for this coming year. God will help you make those changes if you simply trust Him to help you overcome those obstacles and win the battle for a better you! God bless!

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