Saturday, December 15, 2018

Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times.?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.” Matthew 18:21-22

Forgiveness, its one of the most difficult things a human can do when they’ve been hurt by another person. Distance between the two is most desired so they don’t have to face each other and relive that pain. But what lies between those two souls are roadblocks to healing.

Resentment, anger, hate, revenge, desiring ill will, are just a few emotions that halt the healing process. As those roadblocks lie between the offender and the offended, they both bleed out what God desires so much for them both….love, peace, joy, contentment. Eventually unforgiveness will turn a good person into something totally unlike Christ.

At some point there has to be a truce, so the healing process can begin. Jesus outlined the number of times you should forgive your offender, seventy times seven which equals 490 times. But what He really meant was to never run out of forgiveness. Jesus gave us the finest example of forgiveness, as He hung on a cross and looked down upon the people who put Him there, He said…”Father forgive them for they  know not what they do.”

The pain you’ve experienced from someone is making you bleed out the goodness of Christ. Cover that wound today with His healing hand and let the process of forgiveness begin. Pray for the one who hurt you, pray for yourself and ask God to smooth the way before you so you can find love, peace, joy and contentment once again! God bless!

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