Monday, October 31, 2016

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, not adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revillers, nor extortioners, will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

At the moment when you accept Christ into your life, His Holy Spirit comes and resides inside your heart. The decision you make to believe in and accept Jesus sacrifice on your behalf of sins is the point when you say to God..."I surrender all". Everything that is outside His will and "off limits", according to God's word, should be removed or done away with from your life. God makes no exceptions and does not want to hear excuses for your disobedience. 

Do the desires to commit these sin acts go away immediately? For some children of God they do...for others it's a daily battle to fight the urges and avoid the temptation to pursue the world's pleasures. But, for the Child of God, you can call upon the power of God to help you remove those sinful desires and replace them with more of His presence in your life. God isn't going to put up with deliberate sin in your life. He certainly won't bless you and often times will remove His hand of protection while you wonder off on your own, pursuing those things outside His will.

As a Child of God, your body is the Holy Temple of God. Treat it with the Godly reverence it deserves. Jesus sacrificed His all so you can have a deep personal relationship with Him. Your decision to follow Him came with your commitment to sacrifice the worldly things from your life so His Holy Presnece can live inside you. 

Are you battling sin? We all do every day. Ask God to supply you with the desire and strength to turn from sin and walk in obedience. Our lives should be a reflection of God's spirit living inside us. Pray, focus and surrender your all for His presence to be revealed in your life. He will bless you for your obedience. God bless.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust. Psalm 16:1

If you pick up any food item and read the ingredients, you'll see it is packed with preservatives. They are necessary so the food will last a very long time and not spoil. With out preservatives, not much would last more than a week at best. 

In today's verse, David requested God preserve him. David's trust in the Lord was very evident in his life. Although he messed up on occasion, God always lovingly forgave him  no matter the weight of his sins. 
It's important to note, God loves us unconditionally. No matter how far off course we go, God is faithful to protect and preserve us from the foreign things of this world if we continually keep our focus on Him. 
Don't let the world's ways spoil the goodness of your spirit. Ask God to continually preserve your spirit so you can reflect the image of Christ. He will do it...stay focused, keep praying and look for blessings to add to your spirit. He will grow in you something special if your heart is surrendered. Blessings friend.  ‎

Saturday, October 29, 2016

  Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver who is able to save and destroy. Who are you to judge another. James 4:11-12

As the race continues for the Presidential election, we hear more and more bad news coming from each candidate about their opponent.  It seems if they can dig up more "dirt" on the other person, they will win people's vote. Unfortunately this is the norm for political elections. 

Do you ever feel like a politician? Does it seem like everyone wants to know your business and they talk about you behind your back? Sadly, it's probably true. We live in a world so full of pride and everyone competing against one another. If we can make someone else look bad by judging them....we in turn try to make ourselves out to be the better person. God help us as Christians. We are all guilty of this sin. 

As a child of God, we have one relationship that matters....God. Nothing we do here on earth is worthy of the following passage states..."but we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags...Isaiah 64:6. If you think you are better than someone else or holier than others...friend you are lost in your selfish pride and God considers your attitude a sin. 

We do not know what's going on in the lives of others. God has specific plans for each of us and as His children we should follow His prompting with full obedience. What you see someone doing might be the will of God...or God is using a someone's wrongful actions as part of His plan to draw them close to Him once this person acknowledges their sinful ways. Everyday is planned by God in each believer. You are not worthy of judging others...when you do,  you judge God's plan. He will hold you accountable for the negative things you say against a fellow Child of God. 

Mind your own business and focus on God...not others. Pray for other believers and encourage them...don't tear them down. Together we can love one another unconditionally as Christ loves us. Live in harmony with our Savior and His children. Together we can show the world the love of God to a godless society. Blessings my friend.

Friday, October 28, 2016

He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. 1 John 2:6

‎Beach them when walking in the ocean and on the beach. They provide stability while walking on the loose sand and protection from sharp shells and living creatures that bite (I've watched too many movies about Jaws). If I'm going to the beach, you can be assured these beach shoes are coming with me! 

As children of God, we are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Our life should be a reflection of His life living inside the core of our being. Everything from our actions, words, compassion towards others and the way we raise our children should have the characteristics of Christ intertwined in our daily life. 

Walking in the footsteps of Jesus is not an easy path to follow. There might be times and events in your life where God has brought you and the path ahead looks uncertain, scary or impossible. Just like those beach shoes, God provides protection from the dangers along the path and He equips us with the strength, wisdom and the resources necessary to continue our journey as we follow in His footsteps. We must trust Him completely and obey as we take each step, for He has walked ahead of us ensuring our steps are safe and secure. Stepping outside of His footprints leaves us vulnerable to the dangers of the world. 

Has God called you to a place where you don't feel comfortable in following? If it's truly God's calling, then trust Him that He has prepared you for every step forward. You may not think you can do it....but God will provide what you need at the very moment. Trust Him as you step forward in faith. He loves you and it's backed by His Son's steps to the cross. No other act on earth can give you the assurance of trust than what He did for you on the cross 2000 years ago. Signed by Jesus blood...He has your every step covered. Trust Him today. God bless friend.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1

Let's face it, life truly is a race. It seems these days everyone is out for themselves and compassion for others is limited at best. Time moves so quickly, it's challenging to find one hour a day to just sit and relax.  Compared to my youth, time is gobbled up by electronic devices and social media. Some days I wish I could hit "pause". 

As Christians, how are we to live in a world that has very little to do with God? I believe to run along side the world, we need to train our mind to stay center focused on God and keep our feet moving away from places and things that can lead us to sin.

Our brain controls everything we do, say, think and tells our body parts to function. Our brain is Satan's bullseye. If you allow him to penetrate your mind, he can place one seed of sin in your thoughts and left to germinate into a sinful action. It's so important to train your brain to remove those sinful thoughts. Left alone, your brain will nourish that thought into a desire...once it becomes a can almost expect sin to blosom. 

Keep your running shoes on! So often we find ourselves surrounded by the world and it's deadly/sinful pleasures and you can feel yourself being pulled towards the darkness. RUN RUN RUN! Keep running friend. RUN from the darkness and avoid places, people and things that cause you to sin. No need to hang out with will eventually find you no matter how much you try to isolate yourself from the world. 

As today's scripture says...put aside everything that entangles you and lose the sin from your with endurance. God has a specific route marked out for shortcuts or delays are good for a Child of God. Stay the course so you can one day say...."I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith". 2 Timothy 4:7. Keep running with will be rewarded with blessings. God bless!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. Psalm 40:2

These rubber boots are very useful on rainy days. When I fed cows and it was raining I would wear these to keep my feet dry. Here in Georgia the clay can be very slick when wet and you'll slide around if not careful. I've seen many a rainy days in these boots.

As Christians we'll have those rainy days where things don't go our way and it seems like a dark cloud hovers overhead. That dark cloud is most likely Satan trying to dampen your spirits. He can do a good job at trying to discourage you and make you slide down in faith as you walk with the Lord. But do not fret, do not get depressed....above those rainy clouds is the Son of God. You may not be able to see His light...but it's there pushing through the storm clouds of adversity. 

The forecast called for sunny skies, but shortly after leaving home a big storm developed and turbulent times are approaching fast. What ya gonna do? Don those rubber boots and don't stop moving forward in life. God has a hold of your hand on the rainy days of life and He will keep you from falling if you simply keep your focus on Him in the storm. You might slide off course occasionally, but it's ok...God has some rocks up ahead for you to plant your feet to ensure solid footing. Be on the lookout for those stones of security. Before you know it the storm is almost over and sunny skies are crossing the valley heading straight for you. Keep moving in faith. 

Don't let the rainy days of life trouble you. God has a specific path laid out on rainy days. Look for the stepping stones and move toward the light. He'll get ya there in due time. Keep the faith, maintain focus and never loose hope in the One who has your hand!
 God bless friend.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief, assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20‎

Hiking boots. These boots have trod over some very rough terrain in my life. Most of the memories have been out west, hiking in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Wyoming and trails in various states. What's special about these boots is they are light weight, have good traction and are water proof and insulated. If hiking is on the agenda, I can assure you these boots will be on my feet. 

Everyone of us will face mountains of trials and challenges that test our faith in God and belief that He is always there with us. We can encounter some very overwhelming circumstances that weigh so heavy on our heart...they push us backwards in our walk with the Lord. I can recall several times in my life where this was the case. Your mind runs 100 mph and you are constantly worn out from thinking through your challenge. Is God there? Does He hear my cries of desperation? 

Friend, you might be facing one of the tallest mountains in your life...or currently halfway up the mountain side and feel like giving up. Lace up your hiking boots of faith and put your complete trust, faith and belief in God that He is with you and will help you climb over this rocky terrain. 

When you surrender your problem to Him, He gives your feet a foothold so you aren't pushed back in your faith, He eases the burden so you aren't exhausted from the upward climb and most of all He protects you from the elements of the situation by loving you and providing a headge of protection throughout your journey. I can assure you, He is ALWAYS there with you every step of the way. 

It all boils down to belief in God that He is there with you and you are willing to put 100 percent of your trust in Him to sustain you through the entire trial facing your life. Do you have faith like a mustard seed? Trust Him today...He is faithful and loving, He will never leave nor forsake you. God bless friend!

Monday, October 24, 2016

In all labor is profit, But idle chatter leads only to poverty. Proverbs 14:23

Work boots. Five days a week I put on these boots and go to work. God started preparing me from birth to labor so I can take care of myself and support my family. God blessed me with life experiences that shaped and molded me into the person I am today. Through those experiences and my passions, He placed me in a career that is perfect and enjoyable. I am richly blessed and thankful for the financial resources my job provides for me and my family. ‎

God blesses each person with talents, passions and ability to work in some capacity. We were made to be a productive member of  society to help others and support our families. God did not create us to be lazy and non-productive. As adults with children, we have the responsibility to take care of God's blessings in our life....our children mimic what they see.  Do they see a secure parent that they can feel confident...knowing they are working to meet their basic needs until they reach adulthood? 

For some people, health conditions, accidents, disabilities or unique situations have left them unable to work. As working individuals, we need to have awareness of the needs of others. When God puts a need in front of need to respond in a gracious and enthusiastic way. By doing so God will bless your willingness to share your blessings with others. Learn to take care of others...God has taken care of you with employment. 

For those who are capable of working and refuse to be a productive part of society, you are not doing what God created you to be. He has a plan for each person. He created you to move and be responsible. Relying on free handouts and taking advantage of others while simply lying around and doing nothing...friend you shouldn't expect God to bless you. If you are in a slump, pray that God will restore your enthisiasm to work and find a job specific to your God given talents. 

As you put on your work shoes today, thank God for His blessings in providing you financial resources through employment. Be a blessing to others who can't help themselves. Finally, take care of the financial blessings He has provided and teach your children the value of work. God will bless you richly. Have an awesome Monday friend. ‎

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding. Proverbs 3:13
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3:17

I've heard it said..."gray hair is the sign of wisdom". Basically that means as a person ages, their life experiences and what they've learned along the way should make them smarter.  As a result, the decisions they make in life should be logical and right. It takes a while for a person to truly achieve a life of wisdom. Choices and decisions they've made will hopefully bring peace and stability to that individual. 

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit of God living inside of us. No one is wiser than the creator of the universe. He loves you and wants your life molded into His image through years and years of trials and experiences that will give you wisdom. But, it takes time. Those trials and experiences maybe painful and may take away people, things, pleasures and habits from your life...but they have purpose to grow you, educate you and help you achieve Godly wisdom. As time goes by, your decisions and actions will reflect the characteristics of God. 

Maybe you are in the middle of a trying time in your life and choices need to be made...but you are floundering for direction. Call upon the Lord for wisdom and direction. He knows what's best for you and won't let you down. Hearing His voice requires much time in prayer...alone with God and blocking out any worldly influence. That also involves turning from sinful habits. God does not bless someone who purposefully walks in disobedience. 
Over time, God will give you the wisest answers to your difficulties or choices you face. Trusting in Him and being patient are the key components to receiving His wisdom. 

Wisdom and understanding can provide a life with more peace and joy...knowing your every action and decision is God honoring and backed with sound wisdom from the wisest teacher in the universe. Learn from Him and watch your life transform into a beautiful reflection of God. Have a blessed Sunday friend.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 
1 Corinthians 12:4

I always enjoy attending arts and craft festivals. What makes them fun is to see each person's talents on display. So much variety from woodturners, wreath makers, leather goods, many things to explore. Nothing like a good arts and crafts festival. 

As Christians, God gives each one of us specific talents and abilities to serve Him. It might be public speaking to lead a Sunday school class or witness to someone on the street, it could be cooking...helping at church functions or baking goods and giving as gifts to the needy,or something as simple as cleaning....where there are facilities and people the need to clean is ongoing. Every Christian can do their part as the body of Christ. 

Have you discovered your Spiritual talents? If so, are you using it for God's glory? Sadly, many Christians find their role to be simply church attendance and nothing more. Nothing is wrong with attending church and your presence there makes up the body of believers worshipping God in unity. But, without using your talents, no matter how insignificant they may seem, you are wasting what God has given to you. As a result you will have fewer blessings in your life. God blesses the obedient children of God who perform their talents for His kingdom. 

No need to wait for a special event...use your talents every day for the Lord and He will bless you more than the effort you put forth to serve Him. Try Him and see...God is faithful to His Children. Serve Him well my friends. God bless! ‎

Friday, October 21, 2016

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Here recently I have known several people who have been called home to be with the Lord in Heaven at such a young age. As post are made on social media about these people, you can see the goodness of their life recalled by many who knew them. How they cared for others, had compassion for their work and lived a life of humbleness so they could bless others by sharing in the talents God bestowed upon them. It's heartbreaking to let go of their presence....kept alive in our hearts and memories. 

In today's scripture, Paul encourages believers to live a life with the characteristics mentioned. By doing so you reflect the characteristics of God to a world darkened by self-centeredness, hate, and unforgiveness. Your positive actions do influence those around you. Sadly, it's not until we lose the ones who model Christ the most, that we realize our need for a Savior....Jesus Christ. It's hard to live the faith by our own self will and strength, we need the Spirit of God living inside sustain us, guide us and give us hope for tomorrow. 

To Meghann Smith and Bobby Dodgen, thank you for the lives you lived. Your lives reflected the qualities we all need in our life to be that "good neighbor" and friend to the ones around us. May God bless your spirits in Heaven and cherish the memories in the lives of those who miss you both dearly. God bless. ‎

Thursday, October 20, 2016

So when the woman (Eve) saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. Genesis 3:6


God created man and woman and placed them in a bountiful garden full of food for their consumption. But there was one condition, they could not eat the fruit of a certain tree in the middle of the garden. That fruit was forbidden. Satan’s lies eventually made Eve justify her actions by partaking the forbidden fruit and thus…the birth of sin.


Every human has "forbidden" fruits in their life. Things like gossip, certain relationships, food, drugs, investments, purchases, places….the list can be endless. Although these things might not be wrong, God will show you it is not in His will for you to partake in certain pleasures.


The forbidden fruits in our lives cry out for our attention. Satan puts lies in our minds to make us think its ok to partake…take that drink, share in the juicy gossip, go ahead and buy that new car or pursue a relationship with someone that is not Godly. Once you surrender yourself to that pleasure, your closeness with God is stretched and His blessings are overshadowed by your sin as you step away from the light…if only for a moment to simply "taste" the forbidden fruit.


Friends, if you are truly seeking after God, He will reveal those forbidden fruits in your life. Do not listen to Satan’s lies! Rely on God’s strength to help you overcome your weakness. Trust me, it’s a spiritual battle and Satan is always ready to tempt us in our weakest moments. Don’t look at the forbidden fruit, don’t think about it, simply cut it off like cutting the head off a snake. Ask God for strength to avoid the temptation and keep your focus on Him. Your life will be more peaceful and beneficial for His kingdom. God bless!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20

It seems all my life I've been challenged financially. If I get ahead, it is just for a brief moment then, wham, something breaks down or some unexpected bill comes that will take a few paychecks to payoff. But God has been faithful to meet my needs. I've always had the ability to pay my bills on time and have never missed a meal. God is good...ALL the time!!

Maybe you are struggling financially and there seems to be no end in sight to the financial mountain standing taller than you. Have faith in God that He will meet your basic needs! He promises to always supply us with the 
basics. I truly believe that he blesses us with what He knows we can manage. For some He blesses with many resources...and they manage it well. For others, he gives less. But the end result is properly managed blessings. 

Blessings dont come free. There is a cost...obedience to God. God blesses obedience. It's quite possible if your lack of blessings could be the result of your disobedient ways. Is God calling you in a certain direction and you are ignoring Him? Are you doing things in your life that is counter to what He says is appropriate? God uses our financial crises to get our attention. When the ole pocketbook is hit, we get flustered and need help. If we know what's right, we will obediently call upon the Lord for help and turn from our unrighteous actions. Which path are you taking...the right or wrong path? 

I remember one week when I was 4 days away from "payday" and all I had in my wallet was $20. I thought how in the world am I gonna make it. Then I remembered I had a full tank of gas in my truck and when I looked in my fridge it was full of food. I wept at that moment and thanked God for His blessings. That $20 stayed in my wallet for 2 weeks unspent. God blesses those who seek after Him. Friend, no matter how desperate your financial situation, God knows your burdens and your needs. He will make a way for Him and walk in faithful obedience. He will bless you! God bless!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. 
Psalm 25:4

If you do much walking in a city, you appreciate a well maintained sidewalk. It provides a "safe haven" for walking along busy streets in residential communities and business districts. Sidewalks date back to biblical days in Rome. Most sidewalks are higher in elevation than the adjoining roadway and curbing provides a buffer between moving cars and you. You've probably never though much about sidewalks, but they have some interesting history and I'm sure they've heard some stories of the people whose used them over time.   

Our journey with the Lord is similar to walking on the sidewalk. As Children of God, He provides a specific path for each of His followers. He has a specific route for us to take that will protect us from wordly dangers, strengthen our faith and grow our relationship with Him into something beautiful. This pathways runs parralel to life's busy highway. 

Unfortunately today, many people trod down the busy highway of life in hopes of finding something better than what God offers. In their fast pace, they often get trampled by others and emotionally or spiritually injured along the way. Over time they wear down and eventually give up all hope of obtaining anything of worth. 

Are you currently running on the busy highway, getting somewhere quick in hopes of something good? My friend, you will eventually burn out and lose hope for tomorrow. Step off the road and join God on the pathway of safety, righteousness and purpose. Yes, it's a much slower pace, but the sweet moments of life will be enhanced by His presnece....walking right next to Him and not others seeking their own self interest and pursuits. 

God promises to journey with you, protect you and give your journey purpose with plentiful blessings along the way. Stay on your specific sidewalk, designed just for you. God will bless you for your obedience and trust in Him. Have a blessed day friend!‎

Monday, October 17, 2016

And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! 1 Corinthians 15:17

Many companies today have a warranty period. This warranty gives consumers confidence in their purchase. Without a warranty, we would have little faith in our purchase and taking a chance on the product failing to meet our needs. 

Our salvation experience is backed by God's warranty to forgive our sins for all eternity. Jesus Christ died in your place so you can have an eternal relationship with God. The death of Christ was the payment for sin; Christ rising from the dead is your assuance that salvation is real and will last longer than anything this world can provide. 
Sadly, many people have the mind set that if they live a "well behaved" life they will earn credits to allow their acceptance into Heaven when they die. Good behavior is good...but has no warranty. Eventually as a human, living in the flesh, you will sin and all your good behavior will be in vain. The good behavior credits will be errased off the board. 

Jesus said, "I am the way, truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
As a Christian, your life is 100 percent backed by God to provide an eternal cleansing of sin so He can look upon you as a Child of God. Jesus Christ death and resurrection is your warranty for eternal life. Praise and thank God today that your investment in God's plan of Salvation will never fail you. Have a blessed day friend!   ‎

Sunday, October 16, 2016

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18

If you observe the world around you, it doesn't take much effort to see hate, pride and selfish attitudes. As I reflect over my life, I can tell you it's much worse and growing by leaps and bounds. Sadly it seems nothing is able to stop this "self centered" attitude that continues to consume America. 

So how do we live in "peace" when the world around us is anything but peaceful. First, you must realize you can't control others behavior and thought processes. If they display disruptive behaviors, there is generally something wrong with them mentally, emotionally or even physically. Or their behavior is a product of their upbringing. 

Secondly, you can pray for them. The power of prayer has done some pretty miraculous things...have faith and trust that God hears your prayer and know that He will act upon your request at the proper time. 

Finally, you can control how you respond. Being peaceful to others involves a lot of humbleness on your part. It's sacraficing your "self" for the good of everyone. No one may appreciate your sacrafices, but God knows you've set aside your "self will" and allowed His spirit to harness your emotions when your flesh wants to respond back with defensive words or actions. 

Being a peacemaker can be difficult for most people. As Christians, our life should reflect the love of our Savior to an unloving world. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God". Matthew 5:9. Follow Christ's example and live in peace with everyone...the world needs more peace and you can sweeten your circle of influence by your actions and attitude. Make peace today! God bless! ‎

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
Anytime a precious metal is used for jewelry, it's heated to a point where it melts. During this process, impurities float to the top and are removed. Impurities weaken the metal's strength and lessen it's value. It takes time and effort to go through the purification process...but the end result is a beautiful piece of jewelry that will last a lifetime. 

The same is true for Christians. God is pure and righteous. He expects us to remove anything impure from our life. He knows that the world's ways and some of its pleasures and people will weaken our walk with Him and could be a stumbling block for others. 

As humans, we live in the flesh and our desires for impure things and pleasures can seem so inticing...that's why it's so important to always be ready to remove any unclean thing...anything that will lessen or weaken our journey with Jesus Christ. Let me say it again...remove ANY IMPURITY! It may be painful...but in the long run it will be worth it for there is great value in living a purified walk with God. 

The end result....we will be a stronger Christian and able to withstand the times when foreign objects and people try to invade and tarnish our life. Walk pure in the Lord and you shall see the face of God! Amen! Have a blessed day friend! ‎

Friday, October 14, 2016

Jesus said to him, "if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23

 As a child one of the great mysteries was Santa Clause. I knew he brought special gifts one time of the year at Christmas and that somehow he always knew if I was good or bad....and that my behavior determined what quantity of gifts I would receive. As I got older, classmates would challenge my belief in Santa Clause and the pressure was real....eventually my conversations about him became less and less because others stopped believing and I didn't want to look like a fool. Later in life I learned that Santa was real in the hands of someone else. ‎

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? He was God in the flesh and lived on planet earth for 33 years...healing, teaching and displaying the characteristics of God through His sin-less life. His life ended on a cross, He was our "payment" for mankind's sin. All He ask of us is to believe in Him and live everyday under His guiding hand and biblical principles. 

As a believer of Jesus Christ and Child of God, our behavior never changes His mind about us...He still loves us and forgives us of our trespasses against His will for our life. Yes, we may suffer consequences of our decision to turn our back on Him...but He still cares for us and blesses us throughout the year...not just on one specific day. 

How can we believe in someone we can't see you ask? Once you accept Jesus Christ into your life, His Holy Spirit resides inside of you...always with you. Through prayer and biblical reading, He will speak to you. As you keep your focus on Him, you will see His presence in your daily life...more and more. The most noticable times I've seen His presence is when I'm in one of life's storms. When something seems to be overwhelming and I feel defeated...I call upon Him in my desperation and He responds. When I see wonderful things happen outside of my strength, I know it's Him working to sustain me. 

Do you believe in the risen savior, Jesus Christ? He is the only way to eternal life in Heaven. Trust, obey and believe in Him. He is real and ready to show you His loving presence in your life if you believe. Have a blessed day my friend. ‎

Thursday, October 13, 2016

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and no faint. 
Isaiah 40:31

If you've ever flown, you know that weight is important. The number of your belongings and size and weight determines your luggage fee. The fuel for the plane is measured in pounds not gallons. Everything that goes on that plane is measured by its weight. Why? Because planes are designed with a weight limit. If you exceed that limit the plane will have a difficult time getting off the ground...or won't leave the ground at all. Many of planes and helicopters have crashed due to being overloaded. 

The same is true with us. We all have a weight limit....we can only carry so many burdens, responsibilities and deal with crises at one time. If too many of these things are happening in our life we could potentially crash mentally, physically and spiritually. We often think we can do it all and carry all these things in our life and be a success. We can't and shouldn't even try it alone. 

We have One who can help carry our load and sustain us when the weight of life seems too heavy to bear. God waits for us to call on Him for help. When we are prepared to open our life to His help, He gently steps in and pushes up the load off your life and sustains you through the most violent of life storms. Nothing is too heavy for Him. 

Are you soaring with Him today OR are you in a nose dive and about to crash? Call upon the Lord for help...He will sustain you so you can fly unhindered like an eagle. Fly and be free in the Lord today and experience a life with the best co-pilot in the industry of life. Have a blessed day! ‎

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7

As a child of God, you have the Holy Spirit of God living inside of you. He never leaves you alone...He is always there to see, hear, feel and experience everything you encounter. He knows your thoughts and sees your actions. Nothing we do goes unnoticed by Him. 

Knowing that, should encourage us to always walk in total obedience to His guidance and His will for our life. As humans, our fleshly minds and desires sometimes forget about that commitment we made  to faithfully walk in obedience to Him. We have these moments of pride and decide that what we do is for our own good or pleasure. In our moment of "it's all about me" we turn our back to God and live it up. Meanwhile, we grieve the Holy Spirit by our unwise choice to be disobedient. 

When we turn our back to God, we cover the protecting light of Christ and our pathway becomes darkened. Before you know it, we realize we can't see the path ahead and we flounder in our self centered situation...vulnerable to Satan's attacks and consequences of our sin. We "reap what we sow". 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. 1 Peter 2:11

Have you ever stayed at someone's house for a few day visit? Your host provided you a bed to sleep in and food at meal times. You probably marveled at the home furnishings....but you didn't remove them and take with you to your home...and there was probably some areas of the house you knew were "off limits". ‎

As Christians, we are like visitors to someone's home. Although it's not our home, we are welcome there during our brief stay. God blesses us with certain comforts, but some things are "off limits" in the world in which we live. Although they may look good to our fleshly eyes, we should avoid the temptation of going near them. They are the worlds...not ours as Children of God. 

God blesses us with spiritual furnishings in our life. If we focus on Him, we will see these beautiful blessings. As long as we are focused on worldly decor, we won't see the blessings and little miracles God performs daily in our life. 

God has a beautiful home waiting for you in Heaven. Nothing on this planet can compare to the unimaginable beauty that awaits us in paradise. Don't marvel at the world's pleasures...look to God for his everlasting gifts of peace, joy and comfort while visiting planet earth! It will make your stay in the world more tolerable and give you hope for the future! Have a blessed day in the Lord. ‎

Monday, October 10, 2016

Jesus replied "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." 
Luke 9:58

When we have good news, we want to share it with everyone we know. The birth of a child or grandchild, a wedding announcement or a new job. Whatever the special occasion, we diligently tell others. The last thing we do is keep the good news to ourselves or do other things to delay our joyous announcement. 

Clearly this was the case with Jesus. Someone approached Him and said "Lord, I will follow you wherever You go." Jesus responded with the verse above. What did He mean in His statement to this man? I believe Jesus had a message for mankind...I am your Savior, I am God in the flesh. Jesus knew He only had a few more years to share His message and teach people about righteous living. He didn't have time to get involved in worldly pleasures. He had "good news" and desired nothing of the world so he could share it with everyone he met. 

As Children of God, we are to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those outside the faith. So often though we get wrapped up in worldly pleasures and commitments that slow us down and hinder our pure relationship with Jesus. To truly follow Christ in the way He intended means surrendering everything outside His will so we can follow Him unhindered. Jesus sums up this in verse 62 "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." 

Are you willing to surrender everything for your relationship with Christ? Relationships, sinful habits and pleasures, financial dependence....the list of spiritual obstacles is endless. The more we sacrafice for Christ, the purer our relationship with Him becomes and we begin to reflect the light and love of Christ to others. Saturate your heart not with the things of this world, but only the love of Christ. As Jesus said..."follow Me and I will make you fishers of men". Are you willing to follow?

Sunday, October 9, 2016

For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

When you look at a clock on the wall, you know what time it is. Did you ever think about what's necessary for that clock to keep time? Inside are many moving parts...small wheels interconnected that move as long as it's power source remains constant. If one of those wheels breaks or the power runs dead, the clock immediately is out of sync and will no longer provide the correct time. 

This is so true for Christians. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are part of His body. God has specific plans for your life to work together with fellow believers. We work together in ministry, worship, tithing, and as Godly families. If we lose our focus or enthusiasm to serve Him, we make the entire body of Christ out of sync. Our weaknesses or selfish desires can hinder the effectiveness in the ministry of our home church, bible study group or family. 

Families need to keep God their main source of power to ensure they can uphold their Godly responsibilities as husband, wife and children. If one family member steps out of line, the entire family unit is out of sync with His plan for a Godly family. If a family is out of sync, they can affect other Christian families in their circle of influence. 

Whew! This is a lesson we all need to keep in front of us! 
Let's finish this up....1. Stay powered up with God! Pray, read your bible and take care of your health. 2. Fulfill your responsibilities as a family member and believer in Christ. 3. Stay connected with fellow believers...we all work together as different members but ONE body... get along with everyone. 4. Reset! If you find yourself out of sync, take time to reset your focus and get back on track. The body of Christ depends on you to keep working. Don't give up! God bless friends. ‎

Saturday, October 8, 2016

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

Last night I spoke to a teenage boy who attended an event held at my church. I noticed he was visibly upset so I stopped and inquired about his distress. He told me there was a special friend of his who was an atheist....she and her entire family didn't believe in God.  He cared for this young lady and it troubled him that she did not share in his belief in God. 

He and I, along with his parents, all huddled together in prayer. As I prayed, God spoke through me to say...don't give up! This young man's compassion for this girl's unbelief is known to God and He will work in the boy's life and testimony to eventually turn her life around and see there is a living God. Satan does a good job of blinding those outside of the faith so they don't see their errors and need of a Savior. I can tell you not one of the tears that boy shed went uncounted by God. 

Is there a special person in your life who is outside the faith? Your heart's compassion for this person is known to God. He tells us to never grow weary in doing good....witnessing to the lost. God cherishes our compassion to change the world, one soul at a time. Through prayer, obedient living and spiritual encouragement, God will use your enthusiasm and compassion the bring light to a darkened world. Never give up on the lost! God will reward your compassion for others. Have a blessed day friend. ‎

Friday, October 7, 2016

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2

As a supervisor one of the most challenging times is when you are short staffed. Either you have a job vacancy or someone is out for a few days. Being short staffed results additional work on your part and stress can quickly develop. A heavy workload can drive you into a tailspin and loose sight of the "bigger picture because you are caught up in someone else's responsibilities. ‎

As Christians it's easy to get caught up in our troubles and worries....we try to handle them ourselves. Eventually we get worn down, lose focus and become less effective in our service to the Lord. We run around like we are "short staffed". We forget, we have help...the creator of Heaven and Earth with us...He is always there ready, ready to respond when we call on Him. By surrendering our worries, struggles and daily battles to Him, we will never feel alone. ‎

Maybe you are facing some big task or some challenging situation that overwhelms your capabilities.  Help is just a prayer on Him and He will supply all your needs! And remember...when you call on Him, believe and trust Him. He may respond to your call for help in a different way than you planned, but His ways are always the best. Like I Him and He will be the best help you will ever need. Have a blessed day!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:3

Recall a time when you expected over night company. For a few days at least you probably spent time cleaning the house, changing the bedding and planned specific meals suitable for your special guest. It's some work to prepare for company, but the satisfaction in supplying a comfortable and restful place after their long journey makes it worth it. 

How true it is with our journey through life as a child of God. In this passage Jesus is telling His disciples that He will prepare a place in Heaven for each of them...and one day will receive them into paradise. Even God prepares for our arrival. This special place will bring joy to us and blessings to God for our pure worship to Him. 

If you are reading this blog, then clearly you haven't arrived at your final destination. As you continue your daily journey you will encounter hazards, obstructions and sometimes breakdowns of faith...but keep the course. Recall this verse knowing God has a special place of comfort, peace and joy just waiting for you. It's worth every struggle you face as you journey through this life. 

Stay on course and don't lose sight of your home in Heaven. Your compass, the Holy Spirit, will guide you there....keep the faith and trust in Him. God bless friends.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour. John 12:27‎

Purposeful living, it's the reason for our existence. Jesus knew His purpose, His reason for living...He was the sacrificial lamb who would die for mankind's sins. His soul was troubled, and for good reason. Without His death on the cross we would not have the relationship with God we can experience today. ‎

God calls His children to follow His will for their life. He has a plan for each of His followers, a purpose for living. Sometimes that purpose for living can lead one into a painful and even deadly situation. Only God knows the reason He allows some to suffer in this life. The painful death of a cancer victim, a horrific car wreck that takes the life of a young child or a person stricken with a disease that takes away their ability to walk. In the painful and most crushing of all circumstances, God's purpose for that moment will result in unseen blessings (just like Christ death on the cross)...but it still has a purpose...we have to trust in God that He is in control and lean on Him for strength and understanding. 

Maybe you or a loved one is in the middle of something so painful that nothing good can be found in this moment. If you trust and believe in God, know that He has a purpose for this moment. It might not result in a direct blessing for you...but He will use it for His glory and carry you through the situation. God is faithful, He is Him in this moment. God bless you! ‎

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:8
The saying "you get what you pay for" is true in most circumstances. When looking to purchase something, there is usually a range of prices for the same item...except the higher priced one hopefully will be a better made product. Depending on the amount of money you are willing to pay for that item will determine how long that product will last. 

For the Christian, it's not necessarily what we put into our relationship with God, but what what we are willing to give up in order to allow more of God's presence in our life. In today's world we have so many commitments and things that consume our time, energy and emotional stability. By cutting loose some of these items we allow more free time for studying God's word, prayer, time and financial resources to help those in need. 

Maybe your life is running 100 mph every day fulfilling this obligation, that commitment, over spending your income to buy things and pleasure for you or your family or wrapped up in an unhealthy relationship. All of these things put a strain on you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Someone under this much pressure can't be effective for Godly service and walk more intimatly with the one who has more value than anything this world has to offerr. 

Today, I want you to evaluate your life. What one thing, person or habit is hindering your relationship with God. If you truly love God and want a deeper relationship with Him, surrender up that one thing you identified and ask God to help you replace that void with His presence and His wisdom so you can reap eternal blessings. Trust me friend, there's value in surrendering up the world for a closer walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day friends. Walk closer with Him today. ‎

Monday, October 3, 2016

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
Have you ever experienced a time in life when it seemed like everything was falling apart, your friends were distant and you were ready to just throw in the towel and give up? I think the majority of us have felt this way at one point in our life. 

As Christians, we have an enemy who is always on the attack. Satan's game plan is to discourage you and diminish the hope you have in Jesus Christ. He can use people or circumstances to attempt to squelch the joy in your heart. In the middle of your crisis or downfall you may question God's presenece...but I can assure you He is there...ready for you to surrender this moment of despiration to Him.

When we surrender, we are not giving up, but we say to God...I can't do this Lord...I need your help, your strength and your encouragement to get me through. He will step in and lift you from this brief moment of darkness and shine His light of love and Holy presence around you....the darkness will have no where to go but flee! 

We have an eternal home in Heaven with no pain, hurt and discouragement waiting for us...until that time we will encounter these moments of pain and suffering...but God is faithful and He will be there when we call on His name. If you are in that valley today, call on Him now. Pray on your knees and completly surrender your weaknesses and situatuation to Him. As you release it to Him, the Son will rise over the horizon and lift you up. Call on Him today. God bless.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

Yesterday I went to the "Cotton Picking Fair". This fair offers a variety of handmade crafts, food and activities for children. Thousands of people converge on this little town for the weekend. Historically, people who live along the major highways to this town, set up "yard sales" hoping to lure festival goers to stop and shop with them. As I drove down the road, I had to stop frequently for those who decided at the last minute to stop along the way. 

Isn't this true in our journey towards Heaven?  Satan, puts up these distractions...he offers yard sale pleasures, trying to divert us from the good stuff God offers us in life. Maybe it's an inappropriate relationship, gambling addiction, alcohol, drugs, spending unwisely....its an endless list of "special deals" Satan has for sale....just waiting for you to stop and take a gander at his flawed offerings. 

Friends...keep your focus on the route to glory. Nothing Satan has to offer will last. God hand crafted a special plan for your life with plentiful blessings along the way. When you look off to the side at Satan's yard sale miss opportunities God has for you just up ahead. Keep focussed, remain alert and never turn your head away from God. 

If you are currently walking around in Satan's sale of goods...RUN away from it now. Some deals might have a hold of you...pray to God to give you the strength to cut the persistent things or people that pursue you. God is greater than any deal Satan has to offer. He can and will help you if you completly surrender your life to Him. 

A hand crafted home in Heaven awaits you....keep on the righteous road and He will bless you. Have an awesome Sunday friends.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind". Matthew 22:37

 "First love", defined as a person, thing, place or activity of which is one is fondest. We all enjoy many things and people in our lives; but,  what is at the top of your list has your complete devotion and attention. As it moves, so do you. Everything about that "first love" moves you to act, say and think things that support the #1 thing or person in your life. ‎

So what's number #1 on your list? Maybe it's your spouse or best friend, the beach or mountain retreat,  or a car, boat or motorcycle. The list of possibilities is endless. We live in a society rich in pleasures. As we read in Matthew 22:37, our "first love" should be for the Lord our God. Putting Him first in our life should be a priority. 

As humans though, we often struggle with putting God first above everything...especially with regards to our relationships. How can we place God and his biblical principles "first" over my spouse or loved one? 

To put God first, we must do a spiritual "check up". How is your walk with the Lord? Do you set aside time to communicate with Him in prayer and bible reading? If not, it will be almost impossible for Him to be number 1 in your life. Prayer and reading God's word is open communication with Him. Just imagine not communicating with your spouse expecpt on Sundays and possibly one time during the week. You have to involve God in your daily life. 

I love this passage..."delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desire of your heart". Psalm 37:4. If we place God first in our life and obediently follow His biblical principles, He will bless you in ways you never though possible. Involving God in our daily life is like sprinkling salt on our food. Every bite has the seasoned taste of salt. 

‎Is He involved in every aspect of your your words, thoughts and actions? Put Him first and everything else in life will have more meaning, purpose and rich in blessings. Give have a blessed Saturday friend! ‎