Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. 
Psalm 25:4

If you do much walking in a city, you appreciate a well maintained sidewalk. It provides a "safe haven" for walking along busy streets in residential communities and business districts. Sidewalks date back to biblical days in Rome. Most sidewalks are higher in elevation than the adjoining roadway and curbing provides a buffer between moving cars and you. You've probably never though much about sidewalks, but they have some interesting history and I'm sure they've heard some stories of the people whose used them over time.   

Our journey with the Lord is similar to walking on the sidewalk. As Children of God, He provides a specific path for each of His followers. He has a specific route for us to take that will protect us from wordly dangers, strengthen our faith and grow our relationship with Him into something beautiful. This pathways runs parralel to life's busy highway. 

Unfortunately today, many people trod down the busy highway of life in hopes of finding something better than what God offers. In their fast pace, they often get trampled by others and emotionally or spiritually injured along the way. Over time they wear down and eventually give up all hope of obtaining anything of worth. 

Are you currently running on the busy highway, getting somewhere quick in hopes of something good? My friend, you will eventually burn out and lose hope for tomorrow. Step off the road and join God on the pathway of safety, righteousness and purpose. Yes, it's a much slower pace, but the sweet moments of life will be enhanced by His presnece....walking right next to Him and not others seeking their own self interest and pursuits. 

God promises to journey with you, protect you and give your journey purpose with plentiful blessings along the way. Stay on your specific sidewalk, designed just for you. God will bless you for your obedience and trust in Him. Have a blessed day friend!‎

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