Thursday, October 20, 2016

So when the woman (Eve) saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. Genesis 3:6


God created man and woman and placed them in a bountiful garden full of food for their consumption. But there was one condition, they could not eat the fruit of a certain tree in the middle of the garden. That fruit was forbidden. Satan’s lies eventually made Eve justify her actions by partaking the forbidden fruit and thus…the birth of sin.


Every human has "forbidden" fruits in their life. Things like gossip, certain relationships, food, drugs, investments, purchases, places….the list can be endless. Although these things might not be wrong, God will show you it is not in His will for you to partake in certain pleasures.


The forbidden fruits in our lives cry out for our attention. Satan puts lies in our minds to make us think its ok to partake…take that drink, share in the juicy gossip, go ahead and buy that new car or pursue a relationship with someone that is not Godly. Once you surrender yourself to that pleasure, your closeness with God is stretched and His blessings are overshadowed by your sin as you step away from the light…if only for a moment to simply "taste" the forbidden fruit.


Friends, if you are truly seeking after God, He will reveal those forbidden fruits in your life. Do not listen to Satan’s lies! Rely on God’s strength to help you overcome your weakness. Trust me, it’s a spiritual battle and Satan is always ready to tempt us in our weakest moments. Don’t look at the forbidden fruit, don’t think about it, simply cut it off like cutting the head off a snake. Ask God for strength to avoid the temptation and keep your focus on Him. Your life will be more peaceful and beneficial for His kingdom. God bless!

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