Saturday, October 22, 2016

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 
1 Corinthians 12:4

I always enjoy attending arts and craft festivals. What makes them fun is to see each person's talents on display. So much variety from woodturners, wreath makers, leather goods, many things to explore. Nothing like a good arts and crafts festival. 

As Christians, God gives each one of us specific talents and abilities to serve Him. It might be public speaking to lead a Sunday school class or witness to someone on the street, it could be cooking...helping at church functions or baking goods and giving as gifts to the needy,or something as simple as cleaning....where there are facilities and people the need to clean is ongoing. Every Christian can do their part as the body of Christ. 

Have you discovered your Spiritual talents? If so, are you using it for God's glory? Sadly, many Christians find their role to be simply church attendance and nothing more. Nothing is wrong with attending church and your presence there makes up the body of believers worshipping God in unity. But, without using your talents, no matter how insignificant they may seem, you are wasting what God has given to you. As a result you will have fewer blessings in your life. God blesses the obedient children of God who perform their talents for His kingdom. 

No need to wait for a special event...use your talents every day for the Lord and He will bless you more than the effort you put forth to serve Him. Try Him and see...God is faithful to His Children. Serve Him well my friends. God bless! ‎

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