Sunday, October 16, 2016

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18

If you observe the world around you, it doesn't take much effort to see hate, pride and selfish attitudes. As I reflect over my life, I can tell you it's much worse and growing by leaps and bounds. Sadly it seems nothing is able to stop this "self centered" attitude that continues to consume America. 

So how do we live in "peace" when the world around us is anything but peaceful. First, you must realize you can't control others behavior and thought processes. If they display disruptive behaviors, there is generally something wrong with them mentally, emotionally or even physically. Or their behavior is a product of their upbringing. 

Secondly, you can pray for them. The power of prayer has done some pretty miraculous things...have faith and trust that God hears your prayer and know that He will act upon your request at the proper time. 

Finally, you can control how you respond. Being peaceful to others involves a lot of humbleness on your part. It's sacraficing your "self" for the good of everyone. No one may appreciate your sacrafices, but God knows you've set aside your "self will" and allowed His spirit to harness your emotions when your flesh wants to respond back with defensive words or actions. 

Being a peacemaker can be difficult for most people. As Christians, our life should reflect the love of our Savior to an unloving world. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God". Matthew 5:9. Follow Christ's example and live in peace with everyone...the world needs more peace and you can sweeten your circle of influence by your actions and attitude. Make peace today! God bless! ‎

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