Thursday, October 27, 2016

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1

Let's face it, life truly is a race. It seems these days everyone is out for themselves and compassion for others is limited at best. Time moves so quickly, it's challenging to find one hour a day to just sit and relax.  Compared to my youth, time is gobbled up by electronic devices and social media. Some days I wish I could hit "pause". 

As Christians, how are we to live in a world that has very little to do with God? I believe to run along side the world, we need to train our mind to stay center focused on God and keep our feet moving away from places and things that can lead us to sin.

Our brain controls everything we do, say, think and tells our body parts to function. Our brain is Satan's bullseye. If you allow him to penetrate your mind, he can place one seed of sin in your thoughts and left to germinate into a sinful action. It's so important to train your brain to remove those sinful thoughts. Left alone, your brain will nourish that thought into a desire...once it becomes a can almost expect sin to blosom. 

Keep your running shoes on! So often we find ourselves surrounded by the world and it's deadly/sinful pleasures and you can feel yourself being pulled towards the darkness. RUN RUN RUN! Keep running friend. RUN from the darkness and avoid places, people and things that cause you to sin. No need to hang out with will eventually find you no matter how much you try to isolate yourself from the world. 

As today's scripture says...put aside everything that entangles you and lose the sin from your with endurance. God has a specific route marked out for shortcuts or delays are good for a Child of God. Stay the course so you can one day say...."I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith". 2 Timothy 4:7. Keep running with will be rewarded with blessings. God bless!

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