Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind". Matthew 22:37

 "First love", defined as a person, thing, place or activity of which is one is fondest. We all enjoy many things and people in our lives; but,  what is at the top of your list has your complete devotion and attention. As it moves, so do you. Everything about that "first love" moves you to act, say and think things that support the #1 thing or person in your life. ‎

So what's number #1 on your list? Maybe it's your spouse or best friend, the beach or mountain retreat,  or a car, boat or motorcycle. The list of possibilities is endless. We live in a society rich in pleasures. As we read in Matthew 22:37, our "first love" should be for the Lord our God. Putting Him first in our life should be a priority. 

As humans though, we often struggle with putting God first above everything...especially with regards to our relationships. How can we place God and his biblical principles "first" over my spouse or loved one? 

To put God first, we must do a spiritual "check up". How is your walk with the Lord? Do you set aside time to communicate with Him in prayer and bible reading? If not, it will be almost impossible for Him to be number 1 in your life. Prayer and reading God's word is open communication with Him. Just imagine not communicating with your spouse expecpt on Sundays and possibly one time during the week. You have to involve God in your daily life. 

I love this passage..."delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desire of your heart". Psalm 37:4. If we place God first in our life and obediently follow His biblical principles, He will bless you in ways you never though possible. Involving God in our daily life is like sprinkling salt on our food. Every bite has the seasoned taste of salt. 

‎Is He involved in every aspect of your your words, thoughts and actions? Put Him first and everything else in life will have more meaning, purpose and rich in blessings. Give have a blessed Saturday friend! ‎

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